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Amusing, Perhaps Even Funny, Anecdotes and Commentaries

Anecdotes, P.O.V.'s, Commentaries

My Photo
Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

It Has Been Said; "That Was A Real Score For The Gold Diggers!"

Some things to consider for the more efficient use of all of the "gold digging" efforts around the world.

if it were that the "ladies" were really on the ball and were using their "feminine wiles" to their supposed potentials, some thing similar to what I have outlined here could very well be possible. There... within such, could very much be a step toward independent purchasing power for women of all walks, races and such... not just the occasional desperate hooker that happens to abuse the already abused perception of a female marrying into money meaning that instantly she is deserving of it.

Have a look.... might at least give rise to some less embarrassing directions of non-humiliating thoughts pertaining to bridging the supposed gap between men and women and purchasing power.


1%= 124.87100000000001 BILLION DOLLARS






1% = 6.172000000000001 BILLION DOLLARS


1% = 20.467000000000002 BILLION DOLLARS







1% = 46.663999999999994 BILLION DOLLARS



1% = 330.186 BILLION DOLLARS

Keep in mind that it is 1000 MILLIONS to ONE BILLION



COMBINED IS ROUGHLY; $350,185,992,415.38 PER YEAR


Population of Females age 14-17 In The U.S.; 8,327,406


350.186 / 8,327,406 = .000042052230910802235 BILLION DOLLARS PER FEMALE,

A person then must consider that all of those females will not be turning 18 at the same time, so in effect the total per female per check goes up.... given that the payments are begun when they turn 18 years old.

As well a person must consider that this suplimental income will more than likely be immediately spent... that is to say it will more than likely be "pumped" right back into the economy.

Further, something to consider is the "thousandths" and "tenthousandths" of cents that will not be remitted per check, which can then be turned around and "re-
invested" with the larger amount of the "whore check" body dirived from that 1%.

A person must admit that such "stimulation" to the economy equates to loads more
consumtion of corn syrup... C.D.'s... cheese burgers.... and all sorts of other crap.... imported and domestic.

As well, this amount will rise with the dividends from the investments as well as
the result of stimulating the economies and thusly promoting the growth of the

For Your Reference;

Keep in mind that the eight million and some people, isn't just the 17 year old's... which means that this could be configured in various ways in order to maximize the effect through out the demographic spectrum of the female population of the United States.

I chose to use the United States as example here, because it is the one country that has just about every walk of human on the planet as a legal alien or even a naturalized citizen.

Now before any one group of hookers starts to get greedy thoughts, realize that this is as example without excluding any race or creed... it is based entirely on population of females 14-17 years old.

Imagine what it would be using just the population of 18 year old females.... or even... just perhaps to make it a bit more exciting... the 18-24 year old range.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ex-Beetle Paul, and Heather Mills To Split..... But "She Is No Gold Digger!"

Say the headlines in what I believe was the New York Post this morning.

The laugh here is if you can't already see it coming, Heather Mills is going to receive a reported 4 HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR settlement.

If that isn't "Gold Digging," then what is it exactly? Can't you just smell the desperation? "Please don't call me a whore? I deserve it, don't I?"

Correct me if I am incorrect here, but NOT Gold Digging would be along the lines of "Man it has really been enjoyable, but things just aren't working out.... see ya' around."

400 MILLION DOLLARS? We are talking about just at four years of marriage here.

If she isn't a "Gold Digger," then she must be one of the highest payed whores ever, to date.

I would imagine that Anna Nicole is on her speed dial, even though she got pregnant. That should be even more scarey.... that mindset actually mothering a child. "No, honey...don't do it like that... just lie for a while and then get some money."

This relates to my previous post here... in regard to the fact that somewhere there are actually people (mostly females I gather), which are celebrating this decision as if it were some victory of some sort for the "female movement." We really stuck it to the guys, huh?

If I were actually interested in the "female movement" and a part of it, I would be livid in the least... embarrassed excessively. Especially at the headlines stating such a silly thing as "But She Is No Gold Digger" then no more than two paragraphs into the story reporting an excessive settlement by any standards, being 400 MILLION DOLLARS to be remitted to this "NON-GOLD DIGGER."

O.K., so the Beetles went Platinum a few times.... but that still stands as Gold Digging ladies (and the vermin which support such directions).

So why can't she just admit that she is a high paid whore? I think it would be less shamefull than expecting ANYONE ON THE PLANET NOT TO LAUGH AT THE CLAIMS OF NOT BEING A GOLD DIGGER.

In many ways, this relates to a previous piece I wrote about my own situation and such "Gold Digging," though what I experienced was obviously at a different level. Regardless of the social level of this activity, it is still similar...but as I have described in "A PEEK THROUGH THE KEYHOLE," the turd swill executing such manipulations at my "blue collar level" must be the entertainment for those within the entertainment industry... it's just that sad.

With my own situation, the turd burglars did some topical research on the internet and thought they had a "motherload" of access to potential famous people stuff as well as perhaps "ins" into the entertainment world through relations with my name as well as perhaps gossip within the entertainment world.

They swarmed like the scavengers they are... and in their self importance and arrogance, still have yet to fully realize that THEY are being played in more ways than I am going to divulge or even care to see.... mostly because it is rather pathetic... in a similar manner as not wanting to go to a slaughter house to watch.

I just don't want to know what is going to befall these morons and can only hope in some measure of humanity that the peripheral damage is somewhat limited.

Don't misread me here, I am in no way an overt proponent of Paul, The Beetles... the English... blazi blazi....It is what it is in that respect....

...as is being a Gold Digging Whore.

So why not just address it as such?

Sadly enough.... one of the tactics used in such to minimize any sort of honest addressing of the Gold Digging, will be to attempt and associate anyone that speaks out about it, with the Gold digging itself, firstly... then to attempt any other sort of political shitballing that can be managed.

That consistency alone, when it is that someone addresses the fact that 400 MILLION DOLLARS is very much "Gold Digging," does nothing but highlight the fact that it is very much Gold Digging.

Is that truly the direction for social dynamics between men and women?

"Here doll... here's fifty bucks, thanks for the Blow Job... but, You Ain't No Whore?"


What's wrong with a little pride in your profession?

In that manner of social dynamic, why not cut to the chase and simply remove the option for marriage... replacing it with a monthly supplemental check for any female over the age of 18 years old.... in return, they have to copulate with anyone from any walk, race, creed.... whether or not they have billions of dollars.

Wouldn't that be equality in the manner that is promoted with such manipulations and lives filled with mental illness and denial?

It would be allot more conducive to pleasurable living.

When I think about these types of desperate manipulations... it makes me think about ways in which to have some fun with the consistency of their ploys.

If I could manage it, wouldn't it just be hilarious if I could gain some fame and money.... then, the second I found some gold digger wanting to get married the "plan" would go into action.

The "plan" would be that the very second that the vows were exchanged and the papers signed... someone with an affiliation makes certain arrangements to where it then is that I am totally, flat broke. It could happen instantly in the modern methods of communication and money transfers.

No paper work. No pending court dates. Just all of a sudden, living on the street destitute!

Wouldn't that just be the laugh? After a wonderful (and probably pretty sexually diverse and experimental) honeymoon, just to prove that she isn't doing it for the money... we then either find out somehow that "WE" are now totally and irrecoupably without monies or get a phone call in the hotel room stating that such has transpired for whatever reason having been fabricated, though solid pertaining to legalities.

HOW FUCKING FUNNY WOULD THAT BE!? The look on her face would be priceless itself... especially when she found out that we would have to be living on the street quite literally (which I would be more than happy to do).

How long before the "new bride" would jump ship? I would venture it might be within minutes of realizing that we would be sleeping in some doorway somewhere and perhaps eating out of the garbage can.

Then, as soon as that "divorce" blew over.... I would suddenly find that public notoriety again through simple manipultations of the media and finances... similar to those which are used in the sad "whore check" scams... but for a much more entertaining direction.... and as soon as I again "charted" or again became notable as a celebrity... we could do it all over again!

Can you imagine the look on the previous "Not A Gold Diggers" face? Maybe even still awash in the confusion and in-efficiency of the homeless programs in the U.S.?

HAAAAA HAAAA.... that is really just too freaking funny.

Then there is the effect that some no name hooker getting 400 MILLION DOLLARS has on every middle aged house wife probably in the world. ESPECIALLY those that were fans of The Beetles or Wings.

Can you imagine the thoughts going through their heads as they begin to consider their lives and husbands?

Especially the blue collar guys.... man that has got to be a bitch....

Why don't they just come out and say it; "Honey, where is my 400 MILLION DOLLARS?"

That has just got to eat them up..... looking at their average, someone frumpy... grouchy... probably farty husband? Then seeing some one legged broad getting 400 MILLION from Paul McCartney.

Can you imagine the response to such a question?; "Dear, I couldn't get the BILLIONS because I married you instead. If I had it though, I am sure you would get at least 400 MILLION when you decided to divorce me because you couldn't find happiness in a relationship with NO money concerns what so ever.... and further, a relationship where you could simply have and do most anything....."

This Heather Mills chick was married to Paul McCartney.... and "couldn't work it out?"

Yeah... couldn't work it out to the tune of 400 MILLION DOLLARS.

Like she is a squirrel in the park and McCartney kept her as a pet for a while, then gave her a nut when she wanted to go back to the other squirrels...

Man are the other rodents going to be jealous!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It Has Been Said: "Battle Of The Sex's?"

What do they think they are going to "win?"

As if there wasn't enough misery in the normal course of life, someones marketing genius had to come up with the battle of the sex's to up the sale of their corn syrup product. What's worse, is that people bought into it.... they not only agreed to create more misery in their own lives but welcomed it as if there were some goal to attain in participating in such.

Honestly, I can see where it is that such is a sort of stimulant for society....but on a larger level it really does nothing more than create the opportunity for discord within what would otherwise be rather healthy relationships....this in adhering to fictitious bents pertaining to what was a marketing ploy to motivate people within society. It is a play on the perceived struggle for womens equality...but what has resulted in many ways (as I have addressed in my piece titled "Dissecting The Modern American Female") is essentially the inversion of any such progress.

It achieves that inversion through the use of that desperate effort to somehow prove the better aspect of being either male or female. Again, it was probably a great motivator at it's height.... but, sadly enough the stupid human tendency to be on auto pilot actually resulted in people knowing only that as a standard in male/female relations.

Just what do any of them think they are going to win? Why aren't they smart enough to see it as the "social game" that it is really? Am I to think, in witnessing the modern dynamic of this charade playing out, that "one side" or the other actually thinks there is ultimate dominance to achieve?

How is it that such mental illness and blatant lack of the basic understanding pertaining to existence is still promoted? How is it that those mentally ill enough to have taken such so seriously that they would subject themselves even to the extremes directly opposite of what it is they claim to want to achieve can continue to be so blind as to not see what it is they are actually losing in wanting so badly to "win" such a fictitious "battle?"

Alright, so men and women are different. No big brain stress there.... such has always been since the beginnings of our species.....that in itself should tell these people of the level of folly in their attempts at "victory".....somehow, over thousands of years in existence...men and women managed to exist without the "battle of the sex's" dominating (and ruining) their lives... but all of a sudden there are people actually dumb enough to think that one will win out over the other?

What do they hope to achieve beyond what has already transpired in regard to more divorce court business and the escalation of product consumption with the social change of fewer homemakers actually making things of their own?

I have it on good authority, being personal experience, that home making itself is now considered an enemy of the state and is exercised and forbidden through the guise of the womans plight for equality or dominance.

That part I realized after having experienced the levels of prejudice one might expect in a third world country toward a minority when it was I expressed my pleasure in the idea of someday being a stay at home dad. Odd, because my perception of such was one where I thought such would be whole heartedly welcomed in the budding and developing world of more women in the work place... and as well in the "bread winning" roles... but surprisingly I was very much treated as the "thing to prevent"... and especially in those directions.

I was ostracized from my chosen profession of professional culinary... I was even socially persecuted as an outcast for some time.... much because of those leanings.

I found further that it was perceived as an insult to the female population... as if it were that my intention was to "beat them" at the game of home making?

What kind of lunacy is that? Is it that the desperation and mental illness sprung from the continuous misery these people put themselves through has truly become the normal standard of thought process to the "vocal majority?"

I was perceived as a threat from the direction of "community mothers" because I had an interest in filling the role of stay at home dad.... coupled with the obvious support in a potential relationship with the "bread winning" female.

How is it exactly that they intend to efficiently fill all of the roles? Is that any sort of responsible parenting? Isn't that aspect selfish beyond having the right to bear and purposefully raise children in a purposefully dysfunctional situation? How is it that the supposed importance of motherhood has been supplanted with the burning desire to do everything and supposedly "win?" Even and especially at the cost of a quality life for those they supposedly care about?

There I go again.... somehow insisting that microwaved T.V. dinners as a staple, and long afternoons alone in front of the television (yet another mass produced "American Standard") is somehow "not quality!"


I should be punished for actually expecting the opportunity for an average, healthy human relationship without the ever looming potentials of huge divorce court fees or the neighbors pet crack head coercing my wife because I didn't happen to purchase enough flavored corn syrup that week.


And the mentally ill, self appointed brainwashed whores of all walks that think they are actually winning something through compromising even the most basic of human pleasures and existence (especially for those such as children who have no choice) for the self important, fabricated result of an overblown advertising scheme of thinking you have become some superior form of human.


What a pathetic scourge humans have become. What a desperate and pitiable... dare I even say loathsome creature we have made of ourselves in those sad attempts at acting superior.

Alright... so within that dynamic of "battle of the sez's" is admittedly presented the opportunity for organized variety in respect to social interaction. It can be fun and even exciting.... but that is the more healthy minds that are a part of it... and that aspect, for some reason.. isn't so welcomed by the other extreme of mental illness which somehow thinks that despair and misery are the desired outcome and product of the "competition" to begin with. Talk about pathetic? Sad, loser scumbags that want nothing more than to exact some revenge on the "other sex" for what probably amounts to a drastic shortcoming or failure of their own.

Why should EVERYONE have to be exposed to such non-sense? Especially the elements within it that aren't healthy in the least?

So many options and so much to experience in life... and all people have managed to construct for themselves socially is a sad social reproduction of an amusement park ride that begins with a topical (though usually extravagant) wedding ceremony... then progresses through the area of entirely destroying the psychological disposition and the personal potentials or options of their children (perhaps to secure a longevity of necessity I imagine... so as never to be left alone in their "victory")... then further into the area of the "big score" of divorce court so as to establish ones individuality and independence... oddly enough this is done by insuring that there will always be money sent to them from somewhere else besides the government every month.

You know... the things such as variety in social life can be achieved in several other... and more adult ways in my opinion....

But then again, what do I know..... I'm just the type of guy that women are afraid of taking over in the kitchen.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Unified Mexico, Closed Borders"

I noticed something recently which I have seen coming in several ways for some time. It is something that could probably land me on a few shit lists if it were that anyone ever actually read this, even though it is basic playground stuff.

Politically speaking, the Mexico situation and relationship with the U.S. is essentially a giant shitball for whom so ever uses it to "throw" at the U.S. or even more specific targets there-in... even further in recent developments as has been reported in the news.... Bush plans to "Shut down" the border with Mexico.

Firstly, this is simply a ploy to politicaly move Mexican opinions. It really doesn't matter on a larger scale which "way" that "opinion" is moved, but only that it is in such a way as to create a "larger shitball" in both removing any "variety" of political opinion within the Mexican population as well as inspiring the "Unification" of several different views into one large body through creating an area of larger focus which will negate any of the "smaller" concerns within that diversity.

This is basic politics and all "they" need is a scape goat to pull it off, which they have in Bush immediately. The beauty of this is that it will not continue to be Bush as his spin doctors will address it once it gets moving and removes the strengths of other political movements within that body. Essentially it will act to paralyze in real effect that such diversity has within the Mexican population and concentrate it on an arbitrary point which is then connected to a political goose chase in which will be placed the blame.

The further amusement in this, is that once the "Unified" political body within that diversity has reached the "goal" of becoming victorious within the "new" challenge (which actually will act to pull the momentum from productivity in other issues) and substantially "conquers" the fabricated distraction of the more recent developments, the point will have become moot and they will have lost any of the other actual progress within the diversities.

I would even bet that through Bush's Mexican relations, he will emerge with the larger share of that political body when the smoke clears, even after having implemented the situation in which all will be at the very least set back for that situation as well as other political points of order in regard to Mexico. He will in fact emerge as the "hero" within the situation and in that effectively removing any of the other political influences within the Mexican issues.

This could be a good thing really from other perspectives. While it cheats the system of being a human society through removing the actual process of progress.... being a short cut of sorts.... it does provide for more rapid developments to take hold.... sadly, there is no guarantee that those developments will be a positive outcome beyond having then created a larger shitball which only one interest (or at least fewer) now have the ability to wield.

In my own opinion, I can see where a good old AAA baseball league (if not a few expansion teams to the larger league) could really make the grade in providing an area for many of these things to play out. It would keep the diversity intact to some degree through associating political views and leanings with different areas and teams... much like such happens within the U.S......

Sure, any Mexican will immediate state that soccer is filling that role.... I would respond that it may... but in relation to everything else except the United States for the most part... which, coincidently is the point of contention and one of the longest and more on going relationships with the country of Mexico.... and baseball is simply more conducive to that relationship. We already play soccer in the U.S. at a level for which to compete with Mexico, but it is only one portal so to speak. One place where the two meet in that area of existence. Base ball...especially at the AAA and Professional levels, would make for a better ongoing relationship in many respects.

Baseball would be a more common ground to be able to readily address social ebbs and flows.... if only through the social aspect of a good ol' ball game.

I am not saying that large decisions should rest on the outcome of ball games so much as I see it as a much more efficient area in which to relief the peripheral stresses so as to provide a much more conducive atmosphere for which to address the larger political issues WHILE maintaining the normal diversity of existence and different areas in question within both sides of the issues.

The tension would be more readily disbursed and harmlessly re-focused into the ball games.

Beyond that, I can see where the implementation of such would benefit the game itself in being an area where the love of the game could again flourish in a cyclical manner so to speak. In the U.S. it isn't a secret that base ball has progressed to a level where there is very little if any at all of the reasons it was and has been so loved through the years.... that "sandlot" aspect so to speak.

There wouldn't be loads of money pumped into these teams and I am sure there would be far less access to the "super drugs" which fuel the careers of many American athletes.

I personally wouldn't mind the opportunity of being able to see a good old ball game now and then.... and even further being able to see that "element" again having a place in the larger leagues......that element of playing for the love of the game as much or more than anything else.

Who knows, you might even find that some of these big money ball players actually opting to play on some of these teams simply to get out of the head ache of worrying about all the lights and glitter.

But as for now, it looks like it suits the purpose to simply organize an ever growing shitball... until of course it breaks down again....

The opportunity within such development is hard to even speculate on. Especially in not only maintaining a diversity and variety of choices in life.... but in actually creating and then promoting and progressing with them.

This doesn't mean that either country loses their "individuality" as countries... in fact, it means that they further maintain them and promote them in many ways.... only now would they have a forum in which to interact.

It's base ball..... it isn't a government issue or political arena.... but it is a great place to congregate and communicate. And a rather enjoyable one at that, if I do say.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Anti Trust Panty Trust"

I experienced something today in a much more extreme manner than the consistency of it previous to today. The "forced" usage of a given combination of web sites through the removal of other, even better options, in an effort to secure and bolster their numbers and consequently their "value" on the market.

The experience itself was rather mundane, but as i delved further I noticed that it wasn't just a "crash" or a mishap. I use "gmail" mainly, but found that no matter how many windows I opened to the web site, I could not log into my email account. As well I found that the same was true for "blogger.com"

To illustrate this even further, it was that even with those multiple windows open to gmail and blogger and frozen there, I had no trouble what so ever accessing and using yahoo email which I use as a secondary email.

Sure, I personally can't prove that anyone working within the maintainence of the LAN I am on is placing any sort of blockage, it is still much more than coincidence and much more than a consistent occurrence.

What this is beyond illegal on many levels, is simple tasteless. Why would I want to associate myself with such desperate sorts of business tactics. Why would I be interested in investing in such companies... in the larger picture those employing such tactics are doing nothing but devaluing everyone elses genuine earnings through genuine usage and market movement.

How has this become so "standard" as practice in the business world? Why is it tolerated? it doesn't take a business genius to see how these type of people actually damage the genuine interests of others.

They are very much a toxin in several ways... the first being that they actually have convinced themselves that they are "earning" and doing good so to speak which is bad enough...... the next of which, as I have stated, their actions in doing so drop the value of everything else through their actions of posting false numbers through such manipulation......if not through a simple association with losers that do that kind of stuff.

To force the use, and therefore the larger percentage numbers posted by removing access to other options is just desperate.... if not outright greedy.

Imagine how they act around real business and money? Must be a real monkey show. Show that kind of person anything that shines and they start jumping through hoops and doing anything they can to look like they are in on it.

The Microsoft case went weird....so I guess that sent a message to the mentally ill and intellectually inferior people of the world, that such tactics are actually a healthy thing...

....somehow I don't think that was the desired result of the results within that very large trial.... but I suppose that aspect doesn't matter as a person can't expect chimps that employ such tactics purposefully to understand that.....

What I think would really top this "online dynamic" is if we could manage to put those type of people in charge of things that blow up..... and I am not talking about sex toys for the type of people they surely must be.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

It Has Been Said; "O.K. So This Isn't So Funny....But..."

I have recently decided that I should find some way to express the disgust I feel about several people from my past, as well as others not associated personally. Things they've done. The type of people they have turned out to be. How wrong they are. Things they choose to do.

I feel I should express it so as not to internalize it somehow.

I just can't find words to fit the level of disgust which seems to spew from even the suggestion of their likeness. As if it were them, and more so through their own choice.

Think I am arrogant all that you want to. I expect as much from the type of people I am describing here.... such sad efforts are very much a part of their desperation.

Perhaps I somehow couple that disgust with the small things that are of such disposition in everyday life.... the type of people that most celebrities actually are compared with what they think others think and of course what they hope people think. Even those claiming to be pious in some way are really just a huge contradiction....

I have known people that think they are "tending" society in manipulating other peoples lives... augmenting them with other people of their choosing....many of the type of people which do such things and feel they are qualified to make such decision, are of the mind set that they are going to "clean up society." Sometimes a person could almost believe it... until you then consider the type of people they choose to substitute in those situations. In fact, it is kind of poetic in the sense that their efforts simply expose their asinine existence and extreme lack of qualifications to make such decisions.

Just laughably repulsive when a person really thinks about it.... especially in considering that their actions and opinions are mostly in an effort to kiss someone else's ass.

What are people supposed to do with that type of thing calling itself a human?

If a person allows their moronic dispositions to actually effect them, it gets into the miserable existences I have addressed in other entries here. It isn't worth the hassle.... if because of nothing more than their results will not be much different with or without the participation of others.

The tendency itself is such a depressing thought that a person can only laugh at it as the human folly that it is.

Do these people ever really look at themselves?

How could anyone be the kind of person that looks at themselves in the mirror and seriously thinks that they are qualified to make such conscious decisions in manipulative efforts? To do so is immediately removing any actual credibility you may have had at some point in time.... and directly replacing it with a huge statement of megalomaniac insanity.

It is insanity. It doesn't matter how you look at it. Those seeking to actually control massive amounts of people as if they were subjects enslaved to them, are simply insane. Un-pleasant to waste any time with, and insane.

It isn't funny. It isn't funny at all. But for some reason I cannot do anything else but laugh about it most of the time. When I think about it, it only serves to ruin my current mood with the sense of the degree of filth that they prove themselves to be. Like it oozes all over everything that may be in the vicinity of the brief thought beyond befuddled laughter.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Here's A Thought!"

In regard to the ninny game of "Touch My Product" pertaining much to corn syrup.... let it be known that I would much rather be an inmate in Leavenworth before I participated willingly in some whores excuse to act as though she were in control...most likely some CEO's whore that he has nothing better to do with.... especially given the damage it does to everything feminine not to mention, human.

To subject myself to the ignorant ploys of people that obviously can't manage their own lives in such efforts to maintain some sad shadow of control... is a rather insulting thought to begin with... then further to actually be expected to promote such cruelty to others, not of the capacity to realize it is even more that I don't wish to be saddled with, and will in no way subject myself to it. Knock Yourselves Out! I personally do not see why I should have to subject myself to it as well.

Actual existence is far too easy to subject oneself to such pathetic ploys of self importance. Leavenworth would be the better deal, hands down.

I have actually considered getting myself thrown into prison just as some way to no longer have to actually witness the levels of stupidity being exercised as normality within society recently. Leavenworth would definitely be the "heaven" of such endeavors.

To think that much of what I have experienced has been generated through gossip in the effort of positioning themselves in some area of celebrity, is more than gut wrenching. Simply to position themselves near something so fabricated and false to begin with, is really a sign of mental instability. It makes a person wonder why it is that these people are allowed to exist much less get into positions of influence with which to assault society in such manners.... uselessly at that... more so, I suppose to make sure that they can look as though they are special to some meaningless other person full of self importance.

Yeah, Leavenworth would be just dreamy in regard to that crap. Especially in having to deal with the paranoia of the morons that have already decided to utilize the intellectual property of others and don't want anyone else to know that they have.

It isn't so much dealing with their pathetic thefts and attempts at justifying them (which are just as embarrassing to humanity)..... but the useless waste of having to deal with their paranoia. It isn't even as though anyone is going to prosecute them immediately...but their own shallow perceptions and fears don't seem to realize that. It's sad.... further that it seems to be supported in some sort of subjugation and control ploy from others that were just as stupid in choosing such directions with their lives.

It plays out as a series of similar morons looking to "have something" on someone else.

Just sad. What a waste.... no wonder they are all lost in the battle of the corn syrup flavors.

The saddest excuse I have heard in the attempt to justify such pathetic thievery... besides of course the ol' "you deserve it," is some want for others to believe that someone much larger and mystically more powerful than everyone else, said that they could.

Put these people out of everyone else's misery. I haven't lost anything personally past the laughable ploys to use my intellectual properties. That which has actually been lost is not recoupable anyhow.... it isn't anything to worry about.

Anyone or thing of actual power wouldn't be wasting their time with that sad shit to begin with, much less trying to associate themselves with it through some abusive, flimsy justification.

The laugh in this even further is in the ego ploy of some control. It is as though those perpetrating it are convinced they have put forward some evil genius manipulation ploy. Just more head shaking sadness in embarrassment for these people. They are so desperate to look to be in some form of control, they don't even realize the worth and value of that which they devalue in that ploy. It's just beyond pathetic... but much more common than most people seem to know....

Which is another sad contradiction.

The people these sad examples use to perpetrate their illusion (which really only serves to work on themselves) are plentiful enough to perp the illusion far enough to convince themselves that they are safe within it.... what that means is that they are even more of a waste within their own ploys being that there are enough people "in" on their motion that the value they seek in being perceived as something they aren't, is immediately devalued as well.

Essentially they are doing such only to have other people just as pathetic as they are...PRETEND that they are and have done what they say. THEY ALL KNOW EACH OTHER AREN'T OF THE CLOTHE THEY CLAIM TO BE OF.

Can you imagine actually living as such? Blowing smoke up each others ass as a normal course of living? "Oh... look what you wrote.... look what you did..." That is what is important to them for some reason.....And anyone that doesn't comply is labeled somehow.

Just fucking sad. All too common, but sad all the same.

Maybe I'll look into Leavenworth in a few years or perhaps some white color offense... of course only as soon as I have written enough for someones empty headed whore to claim as their own I suppose.

It Has Been Said; "Coke Or Pepsi?" Pull Your Head Out Of My Ass?


Especially for the A.A. world and any other organizations thinking they are a party to some sneaky, evil brilliant plan to further their supposed political agenda.

From a public publication;
These are the corporations that also control the world’s food business: Cargill, Conagra, Nestle, Atria (formerly Philip Morris), Archer Daniels Midland. Because they also control large parts of the processed food system in the United States they have introduced HFCS into many foods, from orange juice to spaghetti sauce.

Now then, contrary to the popular mis-belief within the rank and file of many involved with such organizations as A.A., the information posted above is PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. There is no big secret agent element to this in the least as many of those displaying the mental illness of thinking there is, do.

Now even further, these companies purchase their "raw" product from just as small a list of suppliers...which any chimp can tell you comes from only so many producers.

Coke or Pepsi?


I don't care which pseudo political movement slaps their label on a different version of it.

I would like to state that in my belief, the "games" between the different "dedicated consumers" of one product or the other are quite entertaining...BUT entertainment none the less and should not dictate ones life to any further degree than such.

To such statements as what I have just issued, I have met with responses (mostly from those mentally ill kiss ass creeps) in various forms. Most being of an ill tone and many even suggesting that I embody some whoring quality because I will not dedicate my mental capacity or physical and fiscal self to one form of corn syrup or the other.

I find this amusing in many ways, the first of which in the FACT that we live in a time where it is that variety adds to the quality of our lives.... to ignore that FACT is to insist that we should live as cretins and further then, stagnate in the mire of such short sighted ignorance.

Then further in this amusing tone of response is the FACT that the actual whoring occurs farther "up stream" from where it is that the mentally ill exist in the production line, which in turn means that these people have committed themselves in a near matrimonial way, to nothing more than a really big, sloppy whore.


Not only have you managed to ruin the potential fun in existence, but you have managed to commit yourself entirely to a whore the size and likes of which your tiny brains can hardly imagine.

Why is it that people choose to be mired in misery? If a person looks at the situation as a whole, the potentials for nothing less than a hell of a good time within everyday life... as a healthy "game," is just freaking incredible.

I think there are just too many people... and further within that and the reasons for such population problems is the indication that perhaps society has just become too safe, too fast for our media drenched (and suspended) minds to really utilize.

You want to be miserable. Fine with me... just don't expect me to feel bad because a really big whore and whore monger wants to call me a whore because I won't "touch their product."

Enjoy your corn syrup..... just shut the fuck up until you figure out what the hell you are actually talking about... and further perhaps until you realize that everyone isn't as stupid as either you are or want them to be. There are still actually people with the harmonious enjoyment of this existence as a priority in their lives.

Why not just have some fun with it?

In fact, the difference in political association between the two major corn syrup beverage brands... seems to stem from the bigger whore morons attempting to look as though they weren't dumb enough to begin with, to ruin their own lives in a far too serious distraction within what should be an attribute to the enjoyable aspects of life.

From what I have observed, one of those differences seems to be desperation... mainly emitting from the version of corn syrup which has seemed to organize a load of the mentally challenged in thinking they are going to take something over with the use of their corn syrup.

LOOK AT WHAT YOU ARE CLAIMING....if only in regard to corn syrup.

Sure, it is important... even vital to maintain a diversity within the market. But again, NOT if that diversity is maintained of and for the purpose of providing an avenue to actually remove the quality of every day life and replace it with some manufactured misery or despair. In that sense, it would be better simply to remove the more desperate version(s), and move everything to a mono sort of market even with the known problems of such monopoly sort of economic structures... such would at least no longer be a hole to promote some desperation.

If you who are of the lesser in size corn syrup beverage producers think that you are going to over throw something or win some big prize.... look at the actual numbers will ya'?


Why further that with desperate misery?

At least have some fun with it for crying out loud.

The idea that one or the other versions of corn syrup beverage represent some political idea or the other, is entirely negated in the act of forsaking the very reason such political "leanings" exist to begin with.

You are crapping in your own sand box through the tactics that you employ.

Why promote one or the other being aligned with some political ideology and the "defending" of it, when the movement and method of product production itself doesn't even employ or embody the ideology supposedly so seriously employed?


I don't like crap in my sand box.

The idea that one or the other is going to reign as the "top of the heap" is just as absurd. Firstly, anyone or thing that actually does, doesn't need such silliness to do so. THERE IS NO TOP OF THE HEAP... and there can't be without everything that is sought after crumbling to the obvious mental level and capacity of those acting as though they are crusading for such dominance.

One day the "big winners" will wake up and ask out loud among the refuse that used to be a neighborhood... "Hey, what am I going to eat? Where is the guy that used to give me my T.V. dinner and corn syrup?"

To which some anonymous voice from the distance would respond;

"He had to go out and hunt something down to eat himself.... for some reason the T.V. dinner machines didn't show up anymore."

How is it that the ego maniacs thinking they are vying for some dominance, don't realize that there just is no highest point or total control?

Man, that must be maddening as hell to be that mentally ill and not realize why it is that you continue to fail miserably.

If it were that either major version of corn syrup beverage were attempting to embody the political stance which is suggested in such posturing.... there wouldn't be the manufactered misery.

Then of course there is the advertising industry which has placed itself in a suppposed position of importance. In some ways that dynamic emulates a pseudo level of existence which isn't actually there... especially in the use of such despair. And talk about a whore, huh? But what a drop dead looker!

Again, it negates itself.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

It Has Been Said; "How Weird!?"

I've been drawing and painting "digitally" a bit more lately.... as a result I have been watching people from a different perspective to some degree.... simply watching angles and shapes....

I especially have some nifty little curiosity with the human foot. So much so that the result in observation is almost as significant in a strange way as is the huge joke on humanity called cognitive thought.

Why is it that something so insignificant as would be the human foot in the scene of the rest of a paintings subject matter, is so hard to depict in a satisfactory manner? It is simply difficult to illustrate the human foot in a way that doesn't look odd... or at least peculiar. The times I have found success in such an endeavor has been when it is that I didn't really try to accurately depict the foot as it is and actually appears but more did so in a simple and suggestive manner without worrying about the particulars or trying to be literal in the reproduction of it in the painting or sketch.

Just weird... in an amusing way that is. Who would have thought that something no one ever really thinks about or considers, even when viewing paintings and such, would be so pertinent. A wonderful paradox if it is viewed from the proper perspective.

In that thought is the evidence that suggestion is as much or even more the object in performing such works, as is the literal depiction of anything. To use the capacity, perception and potentials of those who will experience it in heightening the effect and experience itself, is very much a part of the larger goal and undeniably so. NOT to force something will yield a greater result every time simply through that human relationship.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Gonna Get A Record Deal!"

Lately I've been considering the amount of times I have heard that stated. Loads. I don't think I can even count how many times I've heard that stated. What that means is that it is really something that is sought after to some degree whether those stating it realize what they are really saying or not.

It's the things that are really being stated in such that I am going to address in this short piece.

Looking at the modern record industry, a person would have to be insane to actually want to be a part of it.... at least unless it is they know what they are dealing with. For the most part, it is an industry full of scumbags that are only looking to get over on someone else in one way or another. In essence, to lay claim to anything they can at any point of even the slightest chance of opportunity.

In looking at the dynamic of it, and as well at the actions and standards of all the peripheral elements of it... mainly the desperation of those that are associated as well as those that simply want someone to think they are associated, I realize that the only way I would ever agree to any sort of contractual agreement with a major record label, is if it were that I didn't have to do ANYTHING except put my voice on the pre-fabricated recordings, ready to publish.

In fact, I have even considered that the effort it would take simply to utter some pre-written lyrical content onto a ready to go recording is almost too much effort. That itself is almost more than all the filth which would be clambering to associate themselves with someone else's creative success, deserve to be able to steal.

The fact is, is that a large label "record deal" won't yield anything for an artist except the head aches and the re-positioned responsibility of the failures of morons.... and of course, such association will yield the loss of any sort of claim said artist would have to their work.... so in that, why should anyone put any effort into it.

If it were by some miracle (or curse if you so perceive) that a major label record deal fell out of the sky for me, I would have to be forthright in that sense. That is to say, I would demand that the things I have already mentioned be stipulations as well as some form of insurance that EVERYTHING associated with any sort of income resulting from such an agreement, was equally disbursed among the desperate morons which would most certainly find their way to some claim within the deal in some form or another. This includes the "legal representation."

Why not at least get a kick out of watching the filth called lawyers actually have to deal with the real dangers of the other forms of filth (most of which they utilize and work with to get the "extra portion" of deals anyway) within the industry. Why not just contractually obligate the label to remit any of the profits due the artist, directly to the scumbags associating themselves in various forms with them... entirely bypassing the lawyers and their scam.... but more, in that simply forcing the lawyers to compete with something a little more challenging than someone that is just interested in making music or some form of art?

Sure, the artist (myself in this example), would be left with nothing in the form of monetary gain.... but I kind of think that would be rather interesting to enter the music industry... perhaps chart a few albums which were prefabricated, and then exit the record industry with absolutely nothing in the form of money to show for it. I would simply live off of the simple requirements I would note in the various contract riders.

Just so long as I did not have to do one creative thing pertaining to the music being published and marketed for the benefit of the various forms of useless creatures making such claims.

Isn't that fair? If it is that they are going to benefit from it entirely, shouldn't they have to put forward the effort to produce it?

I know this sounds a bit odd.... but if you consider the "size" of business deals that go down in such situations, it isn't hard to invision the herds of scumbags that will do anything to "get a piece of it" in any way they can. The most common "attachment" tactic is in making the claim of having had a persons child. False marraige licenses/documents......Another popular form of "attachment" is in claiming that you are of their creative influence in some way.... and thusly that they should be entitled to some percentage of what so ever you may have produced.

There are other forms of such, and especially in the modern realm and ease of forgery in regard to documents, it is all the more easy to do.

Now from a realist standpoint, why fight that crap.... those type of people benefit from that as well if only through lawyers fees for frivolous and meaningless court cases.

Why not just stipulate that the moronic imbeciles which have made careers out of such tactics simply get everything associated with the product... as long, that is, that they have put the product together? Wouldn't it be much easier to be able to include every species of filthy scumbag in the record industry, to their FAIR SHARE?

Wouldn't it at least be more entertaining to watch them have to compete with one another for the larger portions of the useless crap they are so concerned with to begin with?

Besides that, I think it would be something to actually enter, post some modest career, and then leave the recording industry (or even the entertainment industry as a whole for that matter) with not one red cent from profits of that career.

If a person managed to tour enough, there would always be food and booze- provided they were smart enough to include it in their contract rider- and as well there would always be some form of shelter. What else do you really need? Especially when actually expecting your fair entitled take from your own creative input always results in useless headaches from the direction of useless filth taking up space in an industry that could really be a blast.

All they see is the potential for easy money and they have no clue as to what it takes to actually make it, as opposed to moving it around from one place to another.

I say they can have it... just shut your cock sucker and that of you loser groupies as well.... but don't expect me to accept the responsibility for your misuse of it or the false claims you seem to want to live within.

Even further... I think as homage to the sort that seem to think they are deserving of everyone else's productivity, I would request that my tour buss be fitted as a large prison cell.... shackles, bunks, jump suits....even large rod iron doors that must be latched and unlatched coming and going to the stage area and dressing rooms.

I feel that the "prison cell" aspect would keep any of the losers thinking they should be where you are at from getting jealous.... Because as you know in our modern world, we all are responsible for the mental instabilities of others...especially when in regard to a given level of success which someone else always feels they deserve.

When it was that I wasn't "touring" and living in a prison cell on the bus... I guess it would be possible to shack up with some groupie whore... or even just live on the street and eat out of dumpsters... until of course the deserving genius folks making the records had another one ready.

It really wouldn't be that difficult. Interesting actually as every period between tours could be spent in a different town or city, living on the street, if it is that the groupie whores had more of the more important people to service and tend to. Again, I would hate to put the fraudulent filth out on anything or heaven forbid, actually have the situation become one where they would have to do something with their lives.... other than talk trash and collect someone else's residuals, that is.

I could live like that between tours. Especially if it were in different cities each time.... as well, simply traveling around and staying at campgrounds would be fun as well.... but in that is the need for monetary exchange of some sort....which would be problematic for the turd swill as they aren't the type that can usually do math very well anyhow (which I suspect is one of the biggest reasons they are so concerned with what someone else may or may not have).

Then after a few tours..... simply retire from the music industry without a penny to show for it. Maybe even naked wondering the streets until picted up for public nudity and jailed, then subsequently provided with some form of clothing again.

Free and clear of any and all contractual obligations or claims to any of the previously produced materials which were performed and marketed during the "career."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Well, Look At The Big Brain On The U.S.!"

So on May First of 2006, the immigrants of the United States organized a well publicized boycott.... which really is their right and right to express. It was supposed to (and did) shut down loads of functions in many areas of the United States.

I received an email sometime just before the boycott... I am unsure as to when exactly, but I do hope that it was actually BEFORE the scheduled boycott on May 1.

The email was a reactionary communique of sorts in regard to the scheduled boycott... but what I can't figure out is what the hell they were thinking? The action they called for actually would have (and probably did) support the effect of the boycott. The email asked that "in response to the scheduled boycott, that other people make an extra effort to go out and purchase things in an effort to 'make up for the effect of the boycott' and what 'they' were trying to take away" in some way.

I am still unsure as to the reasoning behind this ploy. All that going out and spending on that day would have achieved... especially in regard to consumption of perishables (which the production of was largely shut down that day), is to illustrate further the point of the immigrant population performing the boycott.

So maybe I am missing something here, but it seems to me that actually going out on that day and creating more demand for the products that are not being produced, firstly does nothing but insures and magnifies the need for those immigrant workers to return to their jobs and production.... then further, does nothing but place the brunt of the boycott onto the general population of non-immigrant people... probably the working class which were foolish enough to actually go out and promote a heightened, illusion of importance for those immigrants beyond the effect of their boycott.

Through going out and spending MORE on that day, you have essentially agreed to cover the cost of the overtime it will take for those places to get back up to speed with the production. YOU as the working class consumer have essentially lessened the burden of the corporations which were targeted to begin with. These are people that care no more for you than beyond consuming their product. THEY WANT YOU TO PURCHASE.


If the idea in agreeing to go out and purchase more on that day was in an effort to disrupt the result in "numbers," then it is that all which has truly transpired was the purchase of such a small effect at a dear price.

Then of course there is the timing of the boycott itself being on May 1, which is already very close to the extremely popular May 5 in the consumer realm.


It really is kind of funny. If it were that the idea was to make a statement to the immigrant population (mostly Hispanic), then I think it would have been a better ploy to simply skip the Cinco De Mayo party that happens every year. Laughably, the Fifth of May isn't even a Mexican Holiday in the real sense... but each and every Mexican establishment reaps huge profits as if it really were.

Kind of funny.

Bang Up Job, Fella's! Just a damn straight Bang Up Job!

I sincerely hope none of you have much access to sensitive things like nuclear reactors or toxic waste.....

...but then again, from a similar perspective, that could be a laugh riot in itself.

CHEERS! And Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Monday, May 01, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Shut Up! Take Your Pills, And Watch T.V. And Play Video Games Like The Normal People!"

So I was wondering the other night, just what it was which is going to be done in order to increase the amount of desperation and misery within society... and within that, increasing the public dependence on both the Government and Television? Then it occurred to me as I was reading the news.

"There is a really good one right there!" I thought to myself as I again wondered about various ways to increase despair within society... in a safe manner of course for those that reap the benefits of such, knowing that there is no way in hell that the spineless turds that perp that crap would ever actually want to live in misery themselves.....

....I noticed that within the past five years or so... the "C.I.A." has managed to again classify and re-classify more information than was classified in the past THREE DECADES as the news story noted.

"Yeah..." I again thought, "that is a really good one for the illusive 'they' to utilize in creating the tension and despair in society with which to promote such dependence. Everyone is going to NEED their talk show hosts and game shows.... not to mention the unending silliness of 'go no where' government programs.... especially the ones associated with various pharmaceutical companies via hospitals, celebrities and the like....."

It occurs to me (and anyone else with the simple intellect of a creature just above monkeys) that with the increase in "secrecy" comes the increase in opportunity to present "foggy" situations and even further, totally outrageous propaganda.... which of course the talk show hosts and game shows possess the sole ability to dispel and make a person feel safe again.... NIGHTLY or DAILY as it were.

The corporations and advertisers are going to be living high off the hog as well.... knowing that they now possess "secret agent clearance" in the manipulation of very simple and frightened minds.

They could become as close to god like as anyone ever has become or ever will. And with the wall of secrecy being re-built and fortified... there is no way to easily counter it or even dispel it... without great effort that is. so in that, it must be that people prefer to live in misery.

Something else that I find greatly interesting about this social movement and re-run dynamic, is that I have been met with the sad, passive aggressive- non-issue- response from people which think they are benefiting from it as to "Why do You Care?"

In so many words, I don't. Especially given that in my belief the public should be labeled as the public worst enemy.

Further within my reasoning for "not caring" about this social development, is the fact that I am a hay seed as it were. Why would I waste my time with caring about something so disastrously obvious when it is that the majority of the people it does and will effect, don't care? Why would they not realize that wasting ones life caring about the type of people who don't realize that I really don't care about their poor decisions simply illustrates that they probably shouldn't be making such decisions to begin with....

...but what do I know?

In my opinion those who are more than comfortable with the decisions they are a part of now, in feeling as though they are empowered with the short term illusion of some sort of "position" or "inclusiveness," are going to be the very same that find themselves deeper into the deial of making excuses while it all continues to rot away so as to avoid being seen as having been ignorant or un-knowing.

Let's face it, there are so many people on the planet, that there will always be some excuse for which to lay those failures on. There will always be someone else to blame, especially if it is that the dependence upon the television media (as well as others) becomes as successful as it is that a simple person such as myself can see on the horizon.

People are going to drop like flies and be both too ignorant to deal with why it is actually as well as pacified with the provided excuses piped into their empty heads from their favorite talk shows and game shows.

From a certain perspective, it is kind of a thing of beauty... for the parasites of society especially. They will never run out of fuel in the empty, hollow human existences they are utilizing and hiding their failure behind.

Sadly though, from a humanitarian perspective, it is like torturing the carcass of society slowly and devouring the flesh of it in within that destruction, in a regulated manner. And further, just as sadly, most of the parasites perpetrating this loser crap are the same people that claim a finite realm of existence, as if this were our one time around. Why then do they choose to live it in the misery they are producing.... if even just within the effect and misery they must endure in maintaining their fraudulent illusion of control.

What a pain in the ass that would be! To have to waste your life worrying about making sure your little scams that provide some false power don't fall apart at the seems. NO THANKS. What a fucking waste of space and life.

Why, if it is their true belief in not wanting to burden themselves through this life, do they insist upon such feeble scams as to require their every attention all the time just to make sure that no one ever discovers their "evil plan?" Kind of sad really... even further that everyone else has to tolerate the miserable effects of it in their own life.

Whats more about this effect, is that it keeps the efficiency of "population control"(which the parasites utilize and lay claim to) from being as efficient as it should be (and has been in various hideous examples in history). It simply renders the effect of it as in-efficient and miserable instead of simply removing the burden of too many people from society. It renders it a sad display instead of the "evil-ness" that they portend.

Why is it then, that within their own twisted justification for their actions, that the rest of society has to tolerate them? Within their own justifications and lack of standards is the very reasoning for which to simply remove them from existence...beyond of course their choice in attempting to make everyone else miserable and a party to their own fears.

Why should others have to live within and deal with the fear of a few being terrified of being exposed to their own standards?

Why does society choose to allow these people to waste everyone else's life simply to make them feel important in ways that really don't matter?

It's sad.

Why should I care about it?

Why should you wonder if I do?

Why would it matter if I did or didn't? You have your meds, right? You have your corporate sponsorship, right? Why the concern with my opinions? Why the effort to play off of my caring or lack their of when it is that you contend to be in total control and infallible anyway?

Sad contradiction Bad Guys... or Good Guys... or which ever guys you seem to think you represent in the mess of your desperation....

....but, I must say that the direction of such changes within the intelligence community is a rather interesting movement toward promoting and creating more despair for such purposes as to insure that you can continue to be concerned with how you think you look and how many people you think you have fooled... or what so ever it is that you hope to accomplish.....

...as you waste your lives and those of others around you which could be rather enjoyable and actually productive.