It Has Been Said; "Anything I Want...Because I Can!"
That aside, I notice lately in what is the "free market economy" and the otherwise brilliant ideas associated with the overall design, utilizing the basis of "commerce and power" as opposed to the previous "birthright and power" structures, have become rather tainted.... as if something were over looked as per beyond even the use of various forms of corruption which maintain it - these being all sorts including art, innovation and yes of course, even the criminal types of corruption.
It has mutated in a manner that has become a sad emulation of the former structures utilizing birth right as power structure... even to the point where it is that "gutter born" pop stars now tend to think of themselves as some soveriegn element... simply because they have gained popularity and of course monetary wealth (which is usually only in their name as per their contractual interests, anyhow).
Perhaps that was a consideration within the initial designs to some degree, but never could anyone have forseen the advent of something as is modern communications.
Further, I find great humao in this desperate tendency much because I see that many of the reasons said shift in "power" coupling and focus as per structure was because of the previous versions having failed repeatedly. The "commerce/power" was put into motion in a deliberate effort from what I can tell... much to conteract the consistent demise and rot that most societies before it had met....
Unless of course you refer to the Roman empire, which adamantly refused to to commerce trade with any country they did not rule with a hierarchical structure of slavery.
Now then, to get back to the grand humor of this all.... we now have these pockets of people having come from less than reputable backgrounds, now insisting on being regarded in the same light and status as soveriegns.
This could not be a greater loss in potential of said brilliance... the opportunities lost in such topical and ego based crap are phenominal.
These people even extend this manufactured and mutated understanding of "liberation" to mean that they can now violate any other existence they choose as in their fantasy version of some former soveriegn element.
This, in my opinion, is a total waste of the potentials within existence that such brialliant ideas set forward. It likens to a mental illness through the seemingly forgotten direction in such ideas AWAY from soveriegn elements of the previous, and wanted recognition in form in our modern day.
This isn't to say that said ideas are meant to DESTROY such soveriegn blood lines... though it would appear that the mental mutation within the product of said ideas seems to think... especially within our modern communications technology, that the idea is to attempt some identity switch with any that may be of said blood lines.
This isn't even productive absurdity... but is as result of said attitudes pertaining to "what ever I want.. because I can" within of course, that mutated waste of perception as per said potentials and ideas set forward in the structure intended.
It is akin to having the posibility of experiencing the most incredible aspects of life... only to forsake said potentials in attempt to get some carnival like, trinket prize.
Why then is it that these mutated interpretations continue... more so even supported?
Why not simply remove those soveriegn blood lines from where it is that they originate?
It would be much easier to do something of that sort, than to be the embarrassment of trapsing around posturing as something that you obviously are not... further, it would be much more efficient and much less of a waste in the potentials set forward within said ideas.
Why opt to "play dress up" in someone.. some other likeness so to speak... when everything anyone of such a blood line would have at their disposal worth having, is available to experience for ones self?
It is very much opting for the trinket one perceives as being on the "top shelf" instead of actually experiencing that which is of existence.
Play dress up if you want... but why be so mentally desperate as to expect anyone or anything else on the planet to actually take it seriously?
Again, if such lofty perceived possitions are what you seek... start where it began and remove all other options in that regard... such would fit in well with the modern internet based business tactics of making ones own service appear as optimum through sabotaging any other that may pose a challenge.
This then leads to the aspect of extended familiar "rank" within the "commerce/power" structure.
If those involved in such are not willing to acknowledge those standing, actual affiliations with blood lines... as per the initial designs of the commerce/power structures... then how could any of them seriously insist on being recognized within such light of perception, themselves?
As part of my point in this brief exploration of amusing human folly, is perhaps the aspect having been over looked pertaining to the effect of those partaking of the "commerce/power" options... those not being of any given "blood line" so to speak making the mistake of then emulating the former soveriegn structures in attempting to establish some form of "blood line rule" while ignoring the actual progression there-in.
Why would it be so off base to ask that those within such "commerce/power" directions, be limited to either not having children being raised within such environments... then producing a level of ignorance through that "..because I can" thing.. being that most times it becomes the "trinkets" which are sought after instead of the actual potentials.... or not having the option of leaving large estates to their children?
The descendants would still have the advantage of notoriety in the name.. which would be of that former structure emulation of suggested hierarchical psition... but there would be no bottle neck... and then further the result of said mutations in attempts to gain some other perceived position.
All of the posibilities in experiencing life provided within the idea of wealth would still remain... and probably with little of the useless trinket hunting, topical crap that seems to occupy most of it in the modern day, as being of importance.
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