Sure, many times certain examples - variations within the species has been singled out for "check out," but I don't recall anyone ever really making the realization that humanity itself is rather pitiable - even because of such efforts themselves.
Then of course a person has to consider the ramifications and long term effect of "science" running amok and doing just about everything a person can imagine to the genetic strain of humans and other creatures..... most of the time in the want and effort of procuring some form of "profit" under the guise of being "helpful."
If, within the damage those efforts are dealing, those types of people really wanted to be "helpful," why not just put humanity out of its misery? Of course then, who would register the television ratings, right?
Of course the game always seems to be based upon the attitude of "we are better than you, so you have to be anhialated," or something to that effect which is just as absurd.
Let's face it, people - humanity - have messed with things so much that the natural course of disease and famines and all of the other pestilence even known to man - even existing only as chimps, would probably have been a better course and yielded better, more efficient social results.
Most of said actions in such "messing about" being done under the silliest of pretence and justified with the most embarrassing of excuses most times. The type of excuses a person might expect of a young child being caught raiding the cookie jar, then spewing a series of non-sensical and unrelated jabber as explanation and justification for having done so.
Sad really when you consider that it is pretty much the entirety of the species involved in such efforts and direction. As if it is all just a big, sad, silly excuse contest.
Laughable, but sad all the same.
Laughable in the sense of "this is really as far as we have really, really gotten" sort of way.
All of this comfort and "advance," but because of our own efforts in many instances (for what ever postured reasons), we are now just too dumb to maximize the potentials of it all.
A big game of "we are more smarter and advanced and stuff than you are, and you will say so - OR ELSE."
And of course; "LOOK! We can work the rat feeder thing with an unmatched efficiency - We therefore are superior! And you will admit it - OR ELSE!"
This might be a news flash for some of you; The "rat feeder" aspects are something that someone else made up so they could then say "we are more smarter and advanced and stuff than you are, and you will say so - OR ELSE!"
Through that, and your own justifications in participating and further extending your support in that "selection" process... you have relegated yourselves, through your own "superiority (as it seems)," to be closer to the front of the back of the front of the line that you all seem so concerned with being in the back of the front of as per "not being on the list" of removal elements.
That is just about what it yields.... you couldn't tell yourselves, much less anyone else where you really stand on the list of "to be removed" so to speak.... which, if you had any insight beyond the rat feeder expertise, would tell you that "something just ain't right."
I've raised my own livestock... which I cannot help to see similarities within, in relation to the pseudo social dynamic of "bleating" and running around in the coral.... oinking furiously at feeding time, then laying in the mud... and of course clucking madly at the prospect of fresh grains being scattered, as well as a similar outburst in the process of being rousted for the days eggs.
I can tell you, that no matter how much bleating and oinking and clicking that transpired.... they still ended up "going to market."
In that then, seeing that the "end result," especially within the larger efforts to "be seen as more smarter and stuff so we can say you have to be out of the gene pool," why make the time you have allotted for yourselves in participating in such directions - all the more miserable through creating useless stress for yourselves in an effort to be seen as a part of the "more smarter than you and stuff" crowd....
When really, within that hierarchical dynamic, those you may posture and hope to be seen as a part of, are really nothing more than someone else's "pigs" and "chickens" and such..... really no different in allot of ways than that which you have chosen for yourselves.... why be so uptight about it? Especially given you have chosen to support said dynamic?
Hell, my pigs were at least smart enough to lay around in the mud and enjoy themselves....
And I might add, they all lived LONG and LAZY lives.
Sure, I suppose there is going to be the tendency of finding some offense in being compared to livestock. "I'm not livestock, how dare you" they might say....
Something else about my pigs and other livestock;
They never had a clue that they were either....but again, at least they enjoyed the long and pleasurable ride.
Bah Bah Oink Oink Cluckity cluck cluck cluck! Moooooo.
"Old Crack Donald had A Farm
Ely Ely, O.
And on that farm he had some crack heads.....
Ely (lily) Ely (lily), O!
..and for the self righteous vegetarians thinking they are commanding puppy chow island;
My chickens never ate anything but grain... so go figure.
And I've heard of hogs being raised on nothing but vegetable matter.
Why make the comparisons in your lives and actions, if it offends you in some manner?
So much of life to be lived... too much of it actually... to get caught up in some "specialer 'n you" silliness to convince yourself or someone else that you are somehow above it all; all the while promoting in your actions and directions.... the maintenance of such a social dynamic.
All the while, walking quite diligently, the fence line of your wallowing hole. Which ever products it may consist of.
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