Ex-Beetle Paul, and Heather Mills To Split..... But "She Is No Gold Digger!"
The laugh here is if you can't already see it coming, Heather Mills is going to receive a reported 4 HUNDRED MILLION DOLLAR settlement.
If that isn't "Gold Digging," then what is it exactly? Can't you just smell the desperation? "Please don't call me a whore? I deserve it, don't I?"
Correct me if I am incorrect here, but NOT Gold Digging would be along the lines of "Man it has really been enjoyable, but things just aren't working out.... see ya' around."
400 MILLION DOLLARS? We are talking about just at four years of marriage here.
If she isn't a "Gold Digger," then she must be one of the highest payed whores ever, to date.
I would imagine that Anna Nicole is on her speed dial, even though she got pregnant. That should be even more scarey.... that mindset actually mothering a child. "No, honey...don't do it like that... just lie for a while and then get some money."
This relates to my previous post here... in regard to the fact that somewhere there are actually people (mostly females I gather), which are celebrating this decision as if it were some victory of some sort for the "female movement." We really stuck it to the guys, huh?
If I were actually interested in the "female movement" and a part of it, I would be livid in the least... embarrassed excessively. Especially at the headlines stating such a silly thing as "But She Is No Gold Digger" then no more than two paragraphs into the story reporting an excessive settlement by any standards, being 400 MILLION DOLLARS to be remitted to this "NON-GOLD DIGGER."
O.K., so the Beetles went Platinum a few times.... but that still stands as Gold Digging ladies (and the vermin which support such directions).
So why can't she just admit that she is a high paid whore? I think it would be less shamefull than expecting ANYONE ON THE PLANET NOT TO LAUGH AT THE CLAIMS OF NOT BEING A GOLD DIGGER.
In many ways, this relates to a previous piece I wrote about my own situation and such "Gold Digging," though what I experienced was obviously at a different level. Regardless of the social level of this activity, it is still similar...but as I have described in "A PEEK THROUGH THE KEYHOLE," the turd swill executing such manipulations at my "blue collar level" must be the entertainment for those within the entertainment industry... it's just that sad.
With my own situation, the turd burglars did some topical research on the internet and thought they had a "motherload" of access to potential famous people stuff as well as perhaps "ins" into the entertainment world through relations with my name as well as perhaps gossip within the entertainment world.
They swarmed like the scavengers they are... and in their self importance and arrogance, still have yet to fully realize that THEY are being played in more ways than I am going to divulge or even care to see.... mostly because it is rather pathetic... in a similar manner as not wanting to go to a slaughter house to watch.
I just don't want to know what is going to befall these morons and can only hope in some measure of humanity that the peripheral damage is somewhat limited.
Don't misread me here, I am in no way an overt proponent of Paul, The Beetles... the English... blazi blazi....It is what it is in that respect....
...as is being a Gold Digging Whore.
So why not just address it as such?
Sadly enough.... one of the tactics used in such to minimize any sort of honest addressing of the Gold Digging, will be to attempt and associate anyone that speaks out about it, with the Gold digging itself, firstly... then to attempt any other sort of political shitballing that can be managed.
That consistency alone, when it is that someone addresses the fact that 400 MILLION DOLLARS is very much "Gold Digging," does nothing but highlight the fact that it is very much Gold Digging.
Is that truly the direction for social dynamics between men and women?
"Here doll... here's fifty bucks, thanks for the Blow Job... but, You Ain't No Whore?"
What's wrong with a little pride in your profession?
In that manner of social dynamic, why not cut to the chase and simply remove the option for marriage... replacing it with a monthly supplemental check for any female over the age of 18 years old.... in return, they have to copulate with anyone from any walk, race, creed.... whether or not they have billions of dollars.
Wouldn't that be equality in the manner that is promoted with such manipulations and lives filled with mental illness and denial?
It would be allot more conducive to pleasurable living.
When I think about these types of desperate manipulations... it makes me think about ways in which to have some fun with the consistency of their ploys.
If I could manage it, wouldn't it just be hilarious if I could gain some fame and money.... then, the second I found some gold digger wanting to get married the "plan" would go into action.
The "plan" would be that the very second that the vows were exchanged and the papers signed... someone with an affiliation makes certain arrangements to where it then is that I am totally, flat broke. It could happen instantly in the modern methods of communication and money transfers.
No paper work. No pending court dates. Just all of a sudden, living on the street destitute!
Wouldn't that just be the laugh? After a wonderful (and probably pretty sexually diverse and experimental) honeymoon, just to prove that she isn't doing it for the money... we then either find out somehow that "WE" are now totally and irrecoupably without monies or get a phone call in the hotel room stating that such has transpired for whatever reason having been fabricated, though solid pertaining to legalities.
HOW FUCKING FUNNY WOULD THAT BE!? The look on her face would be priceless itself... especially when she found out that we would have to be living on the street quite literally (which I would be more than happy to do).
How long before the "new bride" would jump ship? I would venture it might be within minutes of realizing that we would be sleeping in some doorway somewhere and perhaps eating out of the garbage can.
Then, as soon as that "divorce" blew over.... I would suddenly find that public notoriety again through simple manipultations of the media and finances... similar to those which are used in the sad "whore check" scams... but for a much more entertaining direction.... and as soon as I again "charted" or again became notable as a celebrity... we could do it all over again!
Can you imagine the look on the previous "Not A Gold Diggers" face? Maybe even still awash in the confusion and in-efficiency of the homeless programs in the U.S.?
HAAAAA HAAAA.... that is really just too freaking funny.
Then there is the effect that some no name hooker getting 400 MILLION DOLLARS has on every middle aged house wife probably in the world. ESPECIALLY those that were fans of The Beetles or Wings.
Can you imagine the thoughts going through their heads as they begin to consider their lives and husbands?
Especially the blue collar guys.... man that has got to be a bitch....
Why don't they just come out and say it; "Honey, where is my 400 MILLION DOLLARS?"
That has just got to eat them up..... looking at their average, someone frumpy... grouchy... probably farty husband? Then seeing some one legged broad getting 400 MILLION from Paul McCartney.
Can you imagine the response to such a question?; "Dear, I couldn't get the BILLIONS because I married you instead. If I had it though, I am sure you would get at least 400 MILLION when you decided to divorce me because you couldn't find happiness in a relationship with NO money concerns what so ever.... and further, a relationship where you could simply have and do most anything....."
This Heather Mills chick was married to Paul McCartney.... and "couldn't work it out?"
Yeah... couldn't work it out to the tune of 400 MILLION DOLLARS.
Like she is a squirrel in the park and McCartney kept her as a pet for a while, then gave her a nut when she wanted to go back to the other squirrels...
Man are the other rodents going to be jealous!
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