It Has Been Said; "Gonna Get A Record Deal!"
It's the things that are really being stated in such that I am going to address in this short piece.
Looking at the modern record industry, a person would have to be insane to actually want to be a part of it.... at least unless it is they know what they are dealing with. For the most part, it is an industry full of scumbags that are only looking to get over on someone else in one way or another. In essence, to lay claim to anything they can at any point of even the slightest chance of opportunity.
In looking at the dynamic of it, and as well at the actions and standards of all the peripheral elements of it... mainly the desperation of those that are associated as well as those that simply want someone to think they are associated, I realize that the only way I would ever agree to any sort of contractual agreement with a major record label, is if it were that I didn't have to do ANYTHING except put my voice on the pre-fabricated recordings, ready to publish.
In fact, I have even considered that the effort it would take simply to utter some pre-written lyrical content onto a ready to go recording is almost too much effort. That itself is almost more than all the filth which would be clambering to associate themselves with someone else's creative success, deserve to be able to steal.
The fact is, is that a large label "record deal" won't yield anything for an artist except the head aches and the re-positioned responsibility of the failures of morons.... and of course, such association will yield the loss of any sort of claim said artist would have to their work.... so in that, why should anyone put any effort into it.
If it were by some miracle (or curse if you so perceive) that a major label record deal fell out of the sky for me, I would have to be forthright in that sense. That is to say, I would demand that the things I have already mentioned be stipulations as well as some form of insurance that EVERYTHING associated with any sort of income resulting from such an agreement, was equally disbursed among the desperate morons which would most certainly find their way to some claim within the deal in some form or another. This includes the "legal representation."
Why not at least get a kick out of watching the filth called lawyers actually have to deal with the real dangers of the other forms of filth (most of which they utilize and work with to get the "extra portion" of deals anyway) within the industry. Why not just contractually obligate the label to remit any of the profits due the artist, directly to the scumbags associating themselves in various forms with them... entirely bypassing the lawyers and their scam.... but more, in that simply forcing the lawyers to compete with something a little more challenging than someone that is just interested in making music or some form of art?
Sure, the artist (myself in this example), would be left with nothing in the form of monetary gain.... but I kind of think that would be rather interesting to enter the music industry... perhaps chart a few albums which were prefabricated, and then exit the record industry with absolutely nothing in the form of money to show for it. I would simply live off of the simple requirements I would note in the various contract riders.
Just so long as I did not have to do one creative thing pertaining to the music being published and marketed for the benefit of the various forms of useless creatures making such claims.
Isn't that fair? If it is that they are going to benefit from it entirely, shouldn't they have to put forward the effort to produce it?
I know this sounds a bit odd.... but if you consider the "size" of business deals that go down in such situations, it isn't hard to invision the herds of scumbags that will do anything to "get a piece of it" in any way they can. The most common "attachment" tactic is in making the claim of having had a persons child. False marraige licenses/documents......Another popular form of "attachment" is in claiming that you are of their creative influence in some way.... and thusly that they should be entitled to some percentage of what so ever you may have produced.
There are other forms of such, and especially in the modern realm and ease of forgery in regard to documents, it is all the more easy to do.
Now from a realist standpoint, why fight that crap.... those type of people benefit from that as well if only through lawyers fees for frivolous and meaningless court cases.
Why not just stipulate that the moronic imbeciles which have made careers out of such tactics simply get everything associated with the product... as long, that is, that they have put the product together? Wouldn't it be much easier to be able to include every species of filthy scumbag in the record industry, to their FAIR SHARE?
Wouldn't it at least be more entertaining to watch them have to compete with one another for the larger portions of the useless crap they are so concerned with to begin with?
Besides that, I think it would be something to actually enter, post some modest career, and then leave the recording industry (or even the entertainment industry as a whole for that matter) with not one red cent from profits of that career.
If a person managed to tour enough, there would always be food and booze- provided they were smart enough to include it in their contract rider- and as well there would always be some form of shelter. What else do you really need? Especially when actually expecting your fair entitled take from your own creative input always results in useless headaches from the direction of useless filth taking up space in an industry that could really be a blast.
All they see is the potential for easy money and they have no clue as to what it takes to actually make it, as opposed to moving it around from one place to another.
I say they can have it... just shut your cock sucker and that of you loser groupies as well.... but don't expect me to accept the responsibility for your misuse of it or the false claims you seem to want to live within.
Even further... I think as homage to the sort that seem to think they are deserving of everyone else's productivity, I would request that my tour buss be fitted as a large prison cell.... shackles, bunks, jump suits....even large rod iron doors that must be latched and unlatched coming and going to the stage area and dressing rooms.
I feel that the "prison cell" aspect would keep any of the losers thinking they should be where you are at from getting jealous.... Because as you know in our modern world, we all are responsible for the mental instabilities of others...especially when in regard to a given level of success which someone else always feels they deserve.
When it was that I wasn't "touring" and living in a prison cell on the bus... I guess it would be possible to shack up with some groupie whore... or even just live on the street and eat out of dumpsters... until of course the deserving genius folks making the records had another one ready.
It really wouldn't be that difficult. Interesting actually as every period between tours could be spent in a different town or city, living on the street, if it is that the groupie whores had more of the more important people to service and tend to. Again, I would hate to put the fraudulent filth out on anything or heaven forbid, actually have the situation become one where they would have to do something with their lives.... other than talk trash and collect someone else's residuals, that is.
I could live like that between tours. Especially if it were in different cities each time.... as well, simply traveling around and staying at campgrounds would be fun as well.... but in that is the need for monetary exchange of some sort....which would be problematic for the turd swill as they aren't the type that can usually do math very well anyhow (which I suspect is one of the biggest reasons they are so concerned with what someone else may or may not have).
Then after a few tours..... simply retire from the music industry without a penny to show for it. Maybe even naked wondering the streets until picted up for public nudity and jailed, then subsequently provided with some form of clothing again.
Free and clear of any and all contractual obligations or claims to any of the previously produced materials which were performed and marketed during the "career."
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