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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

It Has Been Said; Dr. Frankenstein..... I presume?

When recently researching the availability of independent grants and funding for individuals interested in promoting the arts and writing, I found that there are actually more INDEPENDENT funds available for "individual scientific" research than there is for writing and arts.

I found that if it is you seek funding for art or writing or even for film making... you must be affiliated with some organization of group. Particularly and more precisely, a non-profit organization.

Further I found that many "funding opportunities" for writers in particular require that you are in fact, already published. What this means is that they are actually just "granting" that given amount to the publishing institution for all intent and purpose.

If you are looking for funding to begin an independent project, essentially you are S.O.L. in many respects.... unless of course you happen to be doing scientific research... which as I have stated and found, seems to be over-full with monies for individuals with no other affiliations.

Maybe... I should find a cadaver somewhere....then apply for a research grant pertaining to the speed at which a human body will decompose? Simply place the carcass in a room somewhere and watch it rot as I write away.... calling it research? Odds are, from what I have found... I would be more likely to find funding.

Imagine if it were that I had some wicked Frankensteinien research I was going to do? Kind of frightening when you think about it. Perhaps that is where all of the actual scientific research "progress" happens? Since it is, that is, that the science community is shackled with very important laws dictating the very fragile boundaries which have been found within science.....

It would stand to reason.... the "basement" scientist visual that this presents that is....

...think about it, where else is it that many of the "developments" in science could actually be done? Beyond the legitimate volunteer arena, that is.

I can't find funding to independently publish works in writing... or further to begin an independent publishing company with specific goals in mind.....


....if I had spent four years tinkering in science class rooms... I could get monies for just about anything that I wanted to.


....I just got a "Johnny Science Kit" from the toy store.... you want to come over for awhile? Just for the evening, really..... have some coffee, maybe? Tea, perhaps?

(enter sardonic laughter here)

No... really. We could just chat or something.

...as long as we weren't too loud.... I would hate to disturb all of the other brains I have around the house in jars.


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