It Has Been Said; "Shut Up! Take Your Pills, And Watch T.V. And Play Video Games Like The Normal People!"
"There is a really good one right there!" I thought to myself as I again wondered about various ways to increase despair within society... in a safe manner of course for those that reap the benefits of such, knowing that there is no way in hell that the spineless turds that perp that crap would ever actually want to live in misery themselves.....
....I noticed that within the past five years or so... the "C.I.A." has managed to again classify and re-classify more information than was classified in the past THREE DECADES as the news story noted.
"Yeah..." I again thought, "that is a really good one for the illusive 'they' to utilize in creating the tension and despair in society with which to promote such dependence. Everyone is going to NEED their talk show hosts and game shows.... not to mention the unending silliness of 'go no where' government programs.... especially the ones associated with various pharmaceutical companies via hospitals, celebrities and the like....."
It occurs to me (and anyone else with the simple intellect of a creature just above monkeys) that with the increase in "secrecy" comes the increase in opportunity to present "foggy" situations and even further, totally outrageous propaganda.... which of course the talk show hosts and game shows possess the sole ability to dispel and make a person feel safe again.... NIGHTLY or DAILY as it were.
The corporations and advertisers are going to be living high off the hog as well.... knowing that they now possess "secret agent clearance" in the manipulation of very simple and frightened minds.
They could become as close to god like as anyone ever has become or ever will. And with the wall of secrecy being re-built and fortified... there is no way to easily counter it or even dispel it... without great effort that is. so in that, it must be that people prefer to live in misery.
Something else that I find greatly interesting about this social movement and re-run dynamic, is that I have been met with the sad, passive aggressive- non-issue- response from people which think they are benefiting from it as to "Why do You Care?"
In so many words, I don't. Especially given that in my belief the public should be labeled as the public worst enemy.
Further within my reasoning for "not caring" about this social development, is the fact that I am a hay seed as it were. Why would I waste my time with caring about something so disastrously obvious when it is that the majority of the people it does and will effect, don't care? Why would they not realize that wasting ones life caring about the type of people who don't realize that I really don't care about their poor decisions simply illustrates that they probably shouldn't be making such decisions to begin with....
...but what do I know?
In my opinion those who are more than comfortable with the decisions they are a part of now, in feeling as though they are empowered with the short term illusion of some sort of "position" or "inclusiveness," are going to be the very same that find themselves deeper into the deial of making excuses while it all continues to rot away so as to avoid being seen as having been ignorant or un-knowing.
Let's face it, there are so many people on the planet, that there will always be some excuse for which to lay those failures on. There will always be someone else to blame, especially if it is that the dependence upon the television media (as well as others) becomes as successful as it is that a simple person such as myself can see on the horizon.
People are going to drop like flies and be both too ignorant to deal with why it is actually as well as pacified with the provided excuses piped into their empty heads from their favorite talk shows and game shows.
From a certain perspective, it is kind of a thing of beauty... for the parasites of society especially. They will never run out of fuel in the empty, hollow human existences they are utilizing and hiding their failure behind.
Sadly though, from a humanitarian perspective, it is like torturing the carcass of society slowly and devouring the flesh of it in within that destruction, in a regulated manner. And further, just as sadly, most of the parasites perpetrating this loser crap are the same people that claim a finite realm of existence, as if this were our one time around. Why then do they choose to live it in the misery they are producing.... if even just within the effect and misery they must endure in maintaining their fraudulent illusion of control.
What a pain in the ass that would be! To have to waste your life worrying about making sure your little scams that provide some false power don't fall apart at the seems. NO THANKS. What a fucking waste of space and life.
Why, if it is their true belief in not wanting to burden themselves through this life, do they insist upon such feeble scams as to require their every attention all the time just to make sure that no one ever discovers their "evil plan?" Kind of sad really... even further that everyone else has to tolerate the miserable effects of it in their own life.
Whats more about this effect, is that it keeps the efficiency of "population control"(which the parasites utilize and lay claim to) from being as efficient as it should be (and has been in various hideous examples in history). It simply renders the effect of it as in-efficient and miserable instead of simply removing the burden of too many people from society. It renders it a sad display instead of the "evil-ness" that they portend.
Why is it then, that within their own twisted justification for their actions, that the rest of society has to tolerate them? Within their own justifications and lack of standards is the very reasoning for which to simply remove them from existence...beyond of course their choice in attempting to make everyone else miserable and a party to their own fears.
Why should others have to live within and deal with the fear of a few being terrified of being exposed to their own standards?
Why does society choose to allow these people to waste everyone else's life simply to make them feel important in ways that really don't matter?
It's sad.
Why should I care about it?
Why should you wonder if I do?
Why would it matter if I did or didn't? You have your meds, right? You have your corporate sponsorship, right? Why the concern with my opinions? Why the effort to play off of my caring or lack their of when it is that you contend to be in total control and infallible anyway?
Sad contradiction Bad Guys... or Good Guys... or which ever guys you seem to think you represent in the mess of your desperation....
....but, I must say that the direction of such changes within the intelligence community is a rather interesting movement toward promoting and creating more despair for such purposes as to insure that you can continue to be concerned with how you think you look and how many people you think you have fooled... or what so ever it is that you hope to accomplish..... you waste your lives and those of others around you which could be rather enjoyable and actually productive.
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