It Has Been Said; "I CALLED IT FIRST!"

In a few words, there's going to be allot of heavily populated areas under sea level, and just as many actually becoming flooded.
While watching one of these simulations I almost immediately realized that there will be a fortune to be made once this happens in several ways. One of which, and I called it first, will be "Underwater City Scuba Tours."
Of course this won't be able to be immediately implemented as the oceans will need a little time to dilute the grotesque amounts of sewage and other pollution which will flood them as they encroach upon the larger concentrations of cities.
It is speculated that many rather interesting places will actually become under sea structures and areas. Of course, it isn't as though anyone is "speculating" on these interesting spots particularly, but it doesn't take a genius to make the realization that if the area they are in is flooded, then they too will become under sea attractions so to speak. I personally have interest in procuring the existing aquariums which may become submerged for the purpose of the attraction aspect of it. Can't you just see it? Underwater, scuba (and maybe mini sub) tours of a functioning aquarium as well as the normal city scape? It would be like watching your fish bowl from inside of a larger fishbowl.
If (and they did), people bought the "Pet Rock," then the undersea scuba tours will be a smash hit. Especially in regard to "franchising potentials" around the globe.
I intend to capitalize on this future development, mostly because there is no way in hell that an individual such as myself will ever be able to actually do anything about the warming trend, and further the rising seas.... especially given that even many of those speaking out about it do so seemingly in some clandestine manner of praising their own "progress" and personal investment portfolios.
Let's face it, the ice caps are going to melt and many of our cities around the world are going to be flooded... at least partially, given the direction (moreso regression) of such extreme trends having developed without any consideration to the progress already made in addressing the problem of the warming trend.
They are going to melt because there is no money or other profitability in making the decisions which would keep them from melting. It just isn't REALLY in anyones immediate interest otherwise.
So in that, I am going to do the best that I can within my own existence which is unfortunately attached, through being contained within the same society, to the decisions of ever growing lunacy posing as leadership at nearly every turn which continues to advance headlong in the direction of "melt down."

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