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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

It Has Been Said: "Battle Of The Sex's?"

What do they think they are going to "win?"

As if there wasn't enough misery in the normal course of life, someones marketing genius had to come up with the battle of the sex's to up the sale of their corn syrup product. What's worse, is that people bought into it.... they not only agreed to create more misery in their own lives but welcomed it as if there were some goal to attain in participating in such.

Honestly, I can see where it is that such is a sort of stimulant for society....but on a larger level it really does nothing more than create the opportunity for discord within what would otherwise be rather healthy relationships....this in adhering to fictitious bents pertaining to what was a marketing ploy to motivate people within society. It is a play on the perceived struggle for womens equality...but what has resulted in many ways (as I have addressed in my piece titled "Dissecting The Modern American Female") is essentially the inversion of any such progress.

It achieves that inversion through the use of that desperate effort to somehow prove the better aspect of being either male or female. Again, it was probably a great motivator at it's height.... but, sadly enough the stupid human tendency to be on auto pilot actually resulted in people knowing only that as a standard in male/female relations.

Just what do any of them think they are going to win? Why aren't they smart enough to see it as the "social game" that it is really? Am I to think, in witnessing the modern dynamic of this charade playing out, that "one side" or the other actually thinks there is ultimate dominance to achieve?

How is it that such mental illness and blatant lack of the basic understanding pertaining to existence is still promoted? How is it that those mentally ill enough to have taken such so seriously that they would subject themselves even to the extremes directly opposite of what it is they claim to want to achieve can continue to be so blind as to not see what it is they are actually losing in wanting so badly to "win" such a fictitious "battle?"

Alright, so men and women are different. No big brain stress there.... such has always been since the beginnings of our species.....that in itself should tell these people of the level of folly in their attempts at "victory".....somehow, over thousands of years in existence...men and women managed to exist without the "battle of the sex's" dominating (and ruining) their lives... but all of a sudden there are people actually dumb enough to think that one will win out over the other?

What do they hope to achieve beyond what has already transpired in regard to more divorce court business and the escalation of product consumption with the social change of fewer homemakers actually making things of their own?

I have it on good authority, being personal experience, that home making itself is now considered an enemy of the state and is exercised and forbidden through the guise of the womans plight for equality or dominance.

That part I realized after having experienced the levels of prejudice one might expect in a third world country toward a minority when it was I expressed my pleasure in the idea of someday being a stay at home dad. Odd, because my perception of such was one where I thought such would be whole heartedly welcomed in the budding and developing world of more women in the work place... and as well in the "bread winning" roles... but surprisingly I was very much treated as the "thing to prevent"... and especially in those directions.

I was ostracized from my chosen profession of professional culinary... I was even socially persecuted as an outcast for some time.... much because of those leanings.

I found further that it was perceived as an insult to the female population... as if it were that my intention was to "beat them" at the game of home making?

What kind of lunacy is that? Is it that the desperation and mental illness sprung from the continuous misery these people put themselves through has truly become the normal standard of thought process to the "vocal majority?"

I was perceived as a threat from the direction of "community mothers" because I had an interest in filling the role of stay at home dad.... coupled with the obvious support in a potential relationship with the "bread winning" female.

How is it exactly that they intend to efficiently fill all of the roles? Is that any sort of responsible parenting? Isn't that aspect selfish beyond having the right to bear and purposefully raise children in a purposefully dysfunctional situation? How is it that the supposed importance of motherhood has been supplanted with the burning desire to do everything and supposedly "win?" Even and especially at the cost of a quality life for those they supposedly care about?

There I go again.... somehow insisting that microwaved T.V. dinners as a staple, and long afternoons alone in front of the television (yet another mass produced "American Standard") is somehow "not quality!"


I should be punished for actually expecting the opportunity for an average, healthy human relationship without the ever looming potentials of huge divorce court fees or the neighbors pet crack head coercing my wife because I didn't happen to purchase enough flavored corn syrup that week.


And the mentally ill, self appointed brainwashed whores of all walks that think they are actually winning something through compromising even the most basic of human pleasures and existence (especially for those such as children who have no choice) for the self important, fabricated result of an overblown advertising scheme of thinking you have become some superior form of human.


What a pathetic scourge humans have become. What a desperate and pitiable... dare I even say loathsome creature we have made of ourselves in those sad attempts at acting superior.

Alright... so within that dynamic of "battle of the sez's" is admittedly presented the opportunity for organized variety in respect to social interaction. It can be fun and even exciting.... but that is the more healthy minds that are a part of it... and that aspect, for some reason.. isn't so welcomed by the other extreme of mental illness which somehow thinks that despair and misery are the desired outcome and product of the "competition" to begin with. Talk about pathetic? Sad, loser scumbags that want nothing more than to exact some revenge on the "other sex" for what probably amounts to a drastic shortcoming or failure of their own.

Why should EVERYONE have to be exposed to such non-sense? Especially the elements within it that aren't healthy in the least?

So many options and so much to experience in life... and all people have managed to construct for themselves socially is a sad social reproduction of an amusement park ride that begins with a topical (though usually extravagant) wedding ceremony... then progresses through the area of entirely destroying the psychological disposition and the personal potentials or options of their children (perhaps to secure a longevity of necessity I imagine... so as never to be left alone in their "victory")... then further into the area of the "big score" of divorce court so as to establish ones individuality and independence... oddly enough this is done by insuring that there will always be money sent to them from somewhere else besides the government every month.

You know... the things such as variety in social life can be achieved in several other... and more adult ways in my opinion....

But then again, what do I know..... I'm just the type of guy that women are afraid of taking over in the kitchen.


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