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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Doing It Right...."

There is this over lying attitude within the illness I have described pertaining to the "Secret, Fold The Dollar Club."

It has to do with those type posturing as per some level of omnipotence, while justifying it through claiming to have conformed to some set standard in order to achieve it.

Who then, are they complying with in order to possess the supposed authority and lordship over "everything?"

"Everything" that is, except for some un-named and un recognized entity setting the supposed standards for their superiority, which of course is bestowed upon them for having successfully complied with the pre-arranged requirements of some form of "rebellion" and purposeful lack of compliance with something.... something, of course, other than that which they are in direct compliance with through the concerted efforts of being super neato. Rebels without a rebellion?

Strange contradiction really... but of course it isn't as if it is the only contradiction within their questionable ploys.

In all reality, it is really only their paranoia and mental mutation which dictates said standards they have complied with supposedly... all the while not having complied with something... or something or other.

Again, this definitely exposes the fact that the FARCE, is FARCE, and further, FARCE by design. in my opinion.

It is akin to placing several different bowling balls in a hog pin. Each bowling ball is a special interest to any given number of hogs at any time.... of course each and the other bowling ball then becoming more of an interest to other hogs, the more that other hogs seem to think it is of interest.... then of course, said interests become focused on another bowling ball, and so on and such.....

But within this level of FARCE, there is then an element beyond the believably simple pleasure of pushing a bowling ball around... that element being the want to be seen as having been rooting the bowling balls around better than the other pigs...... without any sort of compliance, that is....for some reason..... all the while laying claim to some superior possition within the bowling ball "rooting around."

I suppose, the inherent employment of that mental mutation could be seen as extending to that area of self importance.... without compliance that is, to anything else besides "their" particular direction for the "bowling ball."

"They" are supposedly doing "it," what ever "it" is to them, "right" without complying to some set rule or standard which they are complying with in some manner, justifying their "better bowling ball pushing" than the other hogs.

How is it not obvious to them?


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