It Has Been Said; "Perfect, Perfection"
1. The quality or condition of being perfect.
2. The act or process of perfecting: Perfection of the invention took years.
3. A person or thing considered to be perfect.
4. An instance of excellence.
If I am not mistaken, "perfection" is an ego based "idea." Ego, in the classic sense of the word.
Is it possible to attain perfection through complying with someone elses idea of perfection?
I do not believe so in the very basic and simple fact that to attempt compliance with someone elses idea of said concept, is immediately abandoning your own... and in that, is immediately removing any and all possibility of said "perfection."
To adopt someone else's ego based idea as your own standard, is to immediately "taint," more so "stain" your own existence in that sense.
"Tainted" and "stained" is not considered within the idea of the concept of perfection, if I am not mistaken.
Then further is the problematic area of self adulation which occurs in several ways, one of which simply being the attempt itself to attain perfection. Unless of course the act of self worship... self adulation in any degree is within the idea of "perfection?" Knowing then that to be "perfect" is as described literally in the idea defined above.. which of course includes the perception of being without flaw. Self adulation, again unless I am mistaken, is a flaw.
Even further then is the act of judgment, which as has been established here is very much a part of even our human concept of "perfection," being that we must judge something to be or not to have been of said standard in order to discern the level of "perfection" it has attained.
I still contend and maintain that the only way, if it is to be possible, to attain "perfection" is in the direction... or more so non-direction of the lack in attempting such. Much less, actually considering yourself to already be of such stature... which as is obvious, immediately then removes any said possibility.
Then comes the subject of "truth" which itself is an ego based idea.
Is it possible to be entirely truthful?
I do not believe so. Anyone that claims otherwise, is obviously not being "truthful" in every sense of the word. It is only possible to be truthful to given degrees... which as you know, is not then of the potentials in attaining perfection.
In respect to what has been established concerning specific attempts... is it then that the effort to be entirely truthful is even a consideration within the idea of perfection?
In fact, it is as though one must be a liar, and honest about it to some degree, even to have the potentials of perfection.
I do not think it (truth) is as such in the more finer points of the idea and concept. I do not believe that truthfulness then is a pre-requisite. Neither does this mean that it can be attained through purposefull dishonesty. Both, in regard to the given subject matter, being of the same form in failure to such goals.
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