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Amusing, Perhaps Even Funny, Anecdotes and Commentaries

Anecdotes, P.O.V.'s, Commentaries

My Photo
Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Weren't the Emmy's Neat!"

No, probably not. But I can't think of anything else to spew about at the moment.

My mind wanders back to recent years packing around the country... and with that, the vision of freaky naked chicks in a horse drawn Hearse....

I think I won't write about that right now either... it just seems like something that deserves a bit more attention than being a blurb of sorts.....

I thought about trying to get myself to be obsessed with some celebrity personality so I might always have something to type in this silly thing.... but that would just be too much energy wasted... besides, they do it for themselves these days anyhow. It must be something automated about narcissism? So much so that it becomes amazing in considering how not obsessed so many people are beyond the celebrity and their managements scope of vision. As if simply being a celebrity instantly means that everyone is taken with your presence, if not obsessed.

Maybe a trip back to "beguiling 101" is in order?

I even received a nude of a certain female celebrity without soliciting it, once. I'm not complaining mind you... but it really isn't all that revealing anyhow. Her breasts are pert, her smile is nice....but let's face it, the photo is from some years ago (though I see she still seems rather fit) and I see it more to paint it than to lust, and she is a married woman with children.... so that adds another aspect to the strife they must go through in finding such attention. Part of the "wanting it all" paradox I imagine. Then, of course, is the fact that I am not in that crowd so to speak...besides, as I mentioned, the way I see that particular nude doesn't fit in with the "modern speed" in expectations of topical lust.

She's a looker mind you.... nothing to sneeze at in even a standard situation...but, nothing to obsess over given the direction of her own life and career..... and of course my sad failing in finding such obsessions without much use anyhow.

I can't even tell you if I would recognize her on the street, as being a celebrity. Perhaps after some moments of conversation it might occur to me.....but even then, I really don't see myself taken with the fact that she is some form of entertainment personality. Let's face it, there are monkeys and dogs that are celebrity personalities, too.

Eureka! Maybe...just maybe I should find a monkey or a dog celebrity to swoon over as to be my source of inspiration and reason for living!?

Maybe I should just go to the zoo for awhile. As you can tell from one of my spoofs, I do think it would be rather interesting to actually live as a zoo exhibit for awhile, at least. Lawn chairs...beers... barbeque grill..... maybe some beer commercial girls every now and then as well...

Maybe I should go drink some more coffee and forget I ever used the words "Emmy" and "neat" in the same sentence.

Yeah... that alone calls for a few smokes, too.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Doing It Right...."

There is this over lying attitude within the illness I have described pertaining to the "Secret, Fold The Dollar Club."

It has to do with those type posturing as per some level of omnipotence, while justifying it through claiming to have conformed to some set standard in order to achieve it.

Who then, are they complying with in order to possess the supposed authority and lordship over "everything?"

"Everything" that is, except for some un-named and un recognized entity setting the supposed standards for their superiority, which of course is bestowed upon them for having successfully complied with the pre-arranged requirements of some form of "rebellion" and purposeful lack of compliance with something.... something, of course, other than that which they are in direct compliance with through the concerted efforts of being super neato. Rebels without a rebellion?

Strange contradiction really... but of course it isn't as if it is the only contradiction within their questionable ploys.

In all reality, it is really only their paranoia and mental mutation which dictates said standards they have complied with supposedly... all the while not having complied with something... or something or other.

Again, this definitely exposes the fact that the FARCE, is FARCE, and further, FARCE by design. in my opinion.

It is akin to placing several different bowling balls in a hog pin. Each bowling ball is a special interest to any given number of hogs at any time.... of course each and the other bowling ball then becoming more of an interest to other hogs, the more that other hogs seem to think it is of interest.... then of course, said interests become focused on another bowling ball, and so on and such.....

But within this level of FARCE, there is then an element beyond the believably simple pleasure of pushing a bowling ball around... that element being the want to be seen as having been rooting the bowling balls around better than the other pigs...... without any sort of compliance, that is....for some reason..... all the while laying claim to some superior possition within the bowling ball "rooting around."

I suppose, the inherent employment of that mental mutation could be seen as extending to that area of self importance.... without compliance that is, to anything else besides "their" particular direction for the "bowling ball."

"They" are supposedly doing "it," what ever "it" is to them, "right" without complying to some set rule or standard which they are complying with in some manner, justifying their "better bowling ball pushing" than the other hogs.

How is it not obvious to them?

Friday, August 18, 2006


....AND FOR GOD SAKE - DO NOT GET A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY! The first time I can remember having experienced the "altercation" of official documents pertaining to my existence, was in regard to my "Boy Scouts Of America" records. They were reported as "lost" conveniently near the time I was to be awarded my Eagle Scout ranking.

I remember this being around the area in time when it was that the Mormon Church was beginning to have a greater influence on the scouting program across the country. This isn't to say that I hold the Mormon Church responsible, only that there is a definite coinciding time line there. Further, it is widely known that the Mormon Church is greatly affiliated with Pepsi-Co. - which I find plays a further roll in seeing a similar time line and the drastic change in acceptability of "altering" and even violating in an outright fashion, even supposedly legal contracts and agreements.

When I examine things that have transpired in the more recent years of my life, especially regarding my professional career as well as estates due my person, which were mysteriously disrupted and somehow kept from being properly disbursed.....I can't help but again seeing a coincidence with the presence of Pepsi Co.

As a young child, my mother passed away leaving for myself in trust, a considerable sum of money which was to be issued to my person at a certain age. Needless to say, it hasn't happened. Further in this it was that the said sum was initially invested - and it so happens that said amount grew considerably.

In the modern atmosphere with the advent of modern communications, there seems to be an entirely new form of scumbag on the planet. They are the type that make their living perhaps entirely from researching and finding such estates...then procuring them however they can (many times simply to fund their wive's cocaine habit beyond obvious tax discrepancies - which really don't matter in the modern "legal" atmosphere). This being done relatively easy for various reasons. One of which I have noticed is that it is just easier to comply with this sort in the "legal" realm, than it is to attempt to fulfill the agreed to contracts of said agreements.... and further, why not get a piece of it as the lawyer(s) it is entrusted too?

This all too modern occurrence has and is basically rendering and displaying the United States for the joke that it is in the hands of this "modern order" of leadership. It makes it allot easier to understand some of the reasons that most of the rest of the civilized world simply loathes the United States. This beyond the reasons of harboring and making this sort of embarrassing "legal decision" type of social atmosphere possible..much through providing a place where the type of people things (scumbags in most common terms) that are prone to it, can not only survive, but thrive.

It makes me want to maximize the effect of it. I really don't mean that in a sadistic or malicious way. I truly do want to maximize the effect of said scavenger tactics as they are most widely accepted (obviously) to the point where it actually begins to effect society on a larger scale. This in the effort of maybe being done with it all once and for all through letting that sort just burn themselves out...being that many of them are the desperate sort that NEED something to hide behind and further perhaps even to be seen as a combative element within the passive aggressive ploy in looking to be a victim - and there is no where else on the planet that probably just wouldn't execute them.

Yes, they act the victim. Many of these "scumbags" utilize ploys in procuring said estates which are comprised of some non-issue area of fabricated contention...which of course, in their mentally ill and very wrong interpretation of social standards, somehow entitles them to that which they seek to procure. One of the most laughable of said fabricated reasons is - now get this, this is actually acceptable reasoning in their minds and those within the legal world that are affiliated with them - "They want them to share it" and further, "They don't deserve it as much as they do."

I know that sounds insane, but it is quite true...especially in regard to estates which may be large enough to be missed within some other body of said resources... particularly where ever said estate may be working capital so to speak.

I am really amazed that anyone actually trusts many of the companies out there designed to broker such. It seems to be rather easy to gain such influence and further present said laughable "reasoning" as per decision making in a succesful consistency. It is very much the consumer mentality having reached a point of filling positions in decision making.

These people are capable of going from extremely threatening - even fierce and quite violent in suggestive manner, to sniveling imps crying for their mothers in a matter of seconds..of course to serve their ends.

The aspect of social health in large fortunes being amassed and hoarded, is particularly interesting to me given my personal leanings on such issues. I would personally ask that anything I may have built in my life time - in value and worth - be disbursed equally among the public citizens as per the census, upon the time of my death -regardless of and especially in how menial said sum would be per individual. That would be the point in many respects.

Now then, something further which I find more than entertaining about many of these ploys...more particularly the sort I have had the ill fortune to have a removed (as it is hardly ever a direct ploy) experience with, is the presence of a mental illness that is of design somewhat... being the "secret, fold the dollar bill club" which many of this despicable sort see as some sort of official credibility which they can simply associate themselves with through a sort of mimicry - trial and error - until they find themselves seeming to jibe with the existing body of consistency within a larger mimicry.

It is essentially the blind leading the stupid, then managing to get the less than ethical to comply with their excuses for said violations of contracts and agreements.

The greater laugh here, is that the "secret, fold the dollar club(s)," as I have stated, are very much by design and further designed to have a certain level of this effect it would seem. Meaning they are meant to draw on that tendency to some degree as a form of social organization which then begets a separation without segregation - the study of the dynamic is really quite interesting and there can be no other explanation for it given its obvious design and intentional use within a government meant for longevity. If any of these various "fold the dollar clubs" actually gained entire control of themselves - as per any achieved consistent meaning - the social decline and stagnation would surely set in..as has happened repeatedly throughout history.

Unfortunately, these bozo's have managed to spin it into a flurry with modern communication technology, that could be their own downfall (in ways other than what I have noted). Especially given the rapid loss of credibility they deal themselves in that speed of communication regarding the "secret, fold the dollar bill club(s)" and their standards and meaning.

I can tell you somewhat first hand that the design of said variations in interpretation of such "encrypted - secret, fold the dollar messages," is very much meant as a social chew toy of sorts. It can have no other explanation given the genius which went into the design of even the concepts the country is built on. That is part of the design from what I can see, being that there are several interpretations - it works into the resulting social dynamic.

I can put this forward with some confidence, being that I am personally, directly related to George Washington and my namesake is represented in a considerable degree within much of the existing symbolism on said "dollar bill." I have known about the "fold the dollar game" since I was quite young. Perhaps that is part of the reasoning behind the targeting of my person on several occasions regarding "altercations of legal/official" documents pertaining to my person?

I just can't help laughing at these people. I know it isn't very kind, but they aren't the kind that should warrant such considerations anyhow. They are making a huge farce, out of the farce that they actually are in such serious participation in a design obviously meant to be farce.

Another tactic I have experienced in regard to the procurement of said estates and trusts.... is in insighting some form of opinion as to the "deservedness" pertaining to sibling or other close relatives...then of course the many different manipulations which can occur in the use of close relations with said estates and accounts. Very much similar to the Francis Farmer incident in tactic. "Divide and conquer" so to speak..but in this instance, it is meant to have been divided in a social sense anyhow. There's no allegiance to divide as it were.

Now again, to further address the aspects and level of farce these people have spun themselves into;

As per my personal lineage and heritage, a person would then consider that if there were any definite actual "fold the dollar bill club" and meaning, that I personally would have been privy to it from a considerably young age. This further substantiated in the fact that I was born and raised in an area which did have some level of interest in continuance of said "American" heritage. The fact is, these people while trying to associate themselves with such, have managed to do nothing more than further remove themselves from any sort of actual association with it...beyond being a huge joke. It is definitely a form of mimicry. One that seems to be designed as per their intention, to lend credibility to their ploy....but again, that effort in and of itself does nothing but remove them even further.

It is as if they think it possible to simply claim affiliation, and that sooner than later, they will have "taken it over" so to speak.

Those efforts alone, mean in a very real sense, that they can never actually be a party to the meaning or function of it beyond their efforts. It can't be "taken over" in that sense. Some of them even seriously think that to use my identy will lend them some other form of credibility.

it doesn't matter how many people you can get to say you are someone else....even if you can manage to outright steal the identity. You still cannot actually be a part of that which you seek in those respects, beyond your own narcissistic mental illness.

Getting a load of ass kissing morons to confer that your theft of anothers persona is a success, doesn't mean jack shit to what those things actually symbolize. It doesn't matter if you can get someone to say you are the President while using those "procured" forms of identity and association. You can still never "get in" on what it actually is.

All that a person can manage in those levels of desperation, is to make themselves all the more obviously a FARSE.

Further, if it were that the entirety of those in such ploys managed to "fill their ranks" and gain what they see as a "majority control" through their desperation it then only acts to devalue that which they want affiliation with to begin with. It relegates the entirety of said "secret dollar bill club" ENTIRELY TO FARSE.

I personally think this is of and by design as well. A sort of fail-safe mechanism which is naturally as part of said designs.

I am of the mind, being that it is obviously a larger percentage of those mentally ill enough to seek such affiliations... simply to maximize the effect of their procurement and "secret fold the dollar bill" positions - in amplifying the resulting effect of their farce.

Another note on this, is that these frauds NEED someone else to corroborate their claims. They never stand alone.

It is very much as result of "the quick way" so to speak. They whom have realized the mistakes in their decisions, now seek to damage and or desperately put themselves on some other path of result.

Sadly, and more to the point of wanting to help it all on its way.... that form of "they," have managed to gain a considerable supporting cast even within the areas of society which make and interpret law... which again, adds to the laugh of said desires in affiliation with such sybolism and meaning as can be found (and is public information - which the metally ill "club members" don't want anyone to know)on things such as the mighty dollar bill - being that they have no regard or respect for the meaning and/of the sybolism they can actually, and do daily - influence and work with. That being law and the meaning it has been connected with through development.

The only type of interpretation within the "law" for many of these people and their representation, is the fastest way to their own designs and desires - even when and if it means the violation of centuries old and hard won agreements within the actual dynamic of said resulting effect of such symbolism in action - or simply the wrongful procurement (through various pitiable excuses) of the estates and trusts of others......now simply seeming to be as a matter of course and standard.

It is a farce beyond any other consideration. It is a farce much because of their own actions in claim it not to be within their own lives and desires.

I think about it, and that fact is incredibly obvious to me. It makes me consider other reasoning beyond simple personal gain in which ever way those type can manage.

I have heard and know of some obvious Jewish associations with said designs in symbolism.... in that, given the outright hatred some hold for the Jews - a person has to consider that such political leanings could have bearing as well. But if there is such a deep connection with the Jews... why then was there no concern with the genocide transpiring in WW II? It isn't as though people didn't know about it...especially at the "proper" levels, and wasn't until Japan attacked the U.S. soil of Hawaii that the United States even entered the war.

In fact, the United States was selling arms and supplies to both sides of that conflict until said attack took place. Some business interests within the United States even continued to do so after the United States entered the war.

Hatred for Jews and such relations in symbolism with the idea of Israel within the "Secret fold the dollar club," doesn't make sense within the farce and desperation of it I have observed.

The only thing that makes sense to me is the "agitation" of society by design, which simply was amplified with modern communications....and then further has just become a standard through said comforts in being a farce that it is.

Yeah, it is rather simplistic brilliance when a person considers the "design" of it being as per the subversion of subversion so to speak. Giving those prone to such ploys and of course the gossipy aspects of humans...then as mentioned that inherent want to feel like you happen to be "in" on something.... it seems to cover allot of bases in all of that potential downfall through providing said affiliations. "The secret that everyone is 'in' on!"

"What a great secret! Man, are we speical now! I can't wait to tell my mommy!"

"Oiyay! Meday los granda mucho secret! Aiy muchacho! Yo es mui especial! Mi madre habla mucho yo especial! Meday, me berga is no grande pero yo habla mucho especial secret! Yo megusta BUDWEISER!"

Keeps 'em all busy I guess.... but what potential for the use of such in a "political shitball" fashion?

I suppose that is part of the social agitation aspect as well.

But it is definitely farce even beyond that in design. A farce to entertain and contain the obviously mentally ill (the more advanced in the "secret club" being the more ill) while employing them to confuse the shit out of any serious potential threat....I guess this is more acceptible, since it is that as a "civilized society," it wouldn't be prudent simply to line them all up next to a pit in the middle of the wilderness and...well, I guess you could guess the rest.

What a shit hole. HAR!

Monday, August 07, 2006


People have said it in various ways over the centuries...but I don't think anyone has actually been all inclusive in such efforts pertaining to the anhilation of the species we refer to as humans.

Sure, many times certain examples - variations within the species has been singled out for "check out," but I don't recall anyone ever really making the realization that humanity itself is rather pitiable - even because of such efforts themselves.

Then of course a person has to consider the ramifications and long term effect of "science" running amok and doing just about everything a person can imagine to the genetic strain of humans and other creatures..... most of the time in the want and effort of procuring some form of "profit" under the guise of being "helpful."

If, within the damage those efforts are dealing, those types of people really wanted to be "helpful," why not just put humanity out of its misery? Of course then, who would register the television ratings, right?

Of course the game always seems to be based upon the attitude of "we are better than you, so you have to be anhialated," or something to that effect which is just as absurd.

Let's face it, people - humanity - have messed with things so much that the natural course of disease and famines and all of the other pestilence even known to man - even existing only as chimps, would probably have been a better course and yielded better, more efficient social results.

Most of said actions in such "messing about" being done under the silliest of pretence and justified with the most embarrassing of excuses most times. The type of excuses a person might expect of a young child being caught raiding the cookie jar, then spewing a series of non-sensical and unrelated jabber as explanation and justification for having done so.

Sad really when you consider that it is pretty much the entirety of the species involved in such efforts and direction. As if it is all just a big, sad, silly excuse contest.

Laughable, but sad all the same.

Laughable in the sense of "this is really as far as we have really, really gotten" sort of way.

All of this comfort and "advance," but because of our own efforts in many instances (for what ever postured reasons), we are now just too dumb to maximize the potentials of it all.

A big game of "we are more smarter and advanced and stuff than you are, and you will say so - OR ELSE."

And of course; "LOOK! We can work the rat feeder thing with an unmatched efficiency - We therefore are superior! And you will admit it - OR ELSE!"

This might be a news flash for some of you; The "rat feeder" aspects are something that someone else made up so they could then say "we are more smarter and advanced and stuff than you are, and you will say so - OR ELSE!"

Through that, and your own justifications in participating and further extending your support in that "selection" process... you have relegated yourselves, through your own "superiority (as it seems)," to be closer to the front of the back of the front of the line that you all seem so concerned with being in the back of the front of as per "not being on the list" of removal elements.

That is just about what it yields.... you couldn't tell yourselves, much less anyone else where you really stand on the list of "to be removed" so to speak.... which, if you had any insight beyond the rat feeder expertise, would tell you that "something just ain't right."

I've raised my own livestock... which I cannot help to see similarities within, in relation to the pseudo social dynamic of "bleating" and running around in the coral.... oinking furiously at feeding time, then laying in the mud... and of course clucking madly at the prospect of fresh grains being scattered, as well as a similar outburst in the process of being rousted for the days eggs.

I can tell you, that no matter how much bleating and oinking and clicking that transpired.... they still ended up "going to market."

In that then, seeing that the "end result," especially within the larger efforts to "be seen as more smarter and stuff so we can say you have to be out of the gene pool," why make the time you have allotted for yourselves in participating in such directions - all the more miserable through creating useless stress for yourselves in an effort to be seen as a part of the "more smarter than you and stuff" crowd....

When really, within that hierarchical dynamic, those you may posture and hope to be seen as a part of, are really nothing more than someone else's "pigs" and "chickens" and such..... really no different in allot of ways than that which you have chosen for yourselves....

...so why be so uptight about it? Especially given you have chosen to support said dynamic?

Hell, my pigs were at least smart enough to lay around in the mud and enjoy themselves....

And I might add, they all lived LONG and LAZY lives.

Sure, I suppose there is going to be the tendency of finding some offense in being compared to livestock. "I'm not livestock, how dare you" they might say....

Something else about my pigs and other livestock;

They never had a clue that they were either....but again, at least they enjoyed the long and pleasurable ride.

Bah Bah Oink Oink Cluckity cluck cluck cluck! Moooooo.

"Old Crack Donald had A Farm
Ely Ely, O.
And on that farm he had some crack heads.....
Ely (lily) Ely (lily), O!

..and for the self righteous vegetarians thinking they are commanding puppy chow island;

My chickens never ate anything but grain... so go figure.

And I've heard of hogs being raised on nothing but vegetable matter.

Why make the comparisons in your lives and actions, if it offends you in some manner?

So much of life to be lived... too much of it actually... to get caught up in some "specialer 'n you" silliness to convince yourself or someone else that you are somehow above it all; all the while promoting in your actions and directions.... the maintenance of such a social dynamic.

All the while, walking quite diligently, the fence line of your wallowing hole. Which ever products it may consist of.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Polygamy Just Isn't Fair!"

I say Fiddlesticks!

Have any of you actually just stopped and watched as people walk past?

Why shouldn't polygamy be a legal arrangement?

I have thought about it extensively in many ways, and I can't find one good reason why women shouldn't be allowed to have more than one husband.

Besides, the part that just isn't fair is that one man is expected to be able to deal with the loads of strife and liability that most women these days embody in an effortless manner.

Seriously! Have you just stopped and looked at some of the women out there these days? To expect one man to shoulder such a burden is really quite inhumane.

Allot of these women look like they are heading for a gunfight or have just left some sorry bastard, gutshot and laying in a pool of his own oozing sorrow.

Most women these days are just too much for one guy to handle alone. Let's face it, with all of the modern social expectations and not to mention all of the modern modifications a women can easily utilize.... it just makes for a rather hostile situation.

Further, many women these days have income as a main priority when choosing a mate, which makes the whole thing all the more precarious and difficult for everyone. Many are only looking for money as a pre-requisite in such decisions, figuring that the rest will just be figured out with that taken care of.

Why then not lessen the burden on any one guy, while providing an avenue to easily fulfill those requirements? Not to mention the added variety in everyone's lives in such a situation? It would take the pressure off of the guy and make for much happier relationships all around.

So I say; "Polygamy? Sure, as long as there aren't more than two or three other husbands involved.... but then again, some girls just can't
get enough of far too much for one guy to try and provide."