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Amusing, Perhaps Even Funny, Anecdotes and Commentaries

Anecdotes, P.O.V.'s, Commentaries

My Photo
Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Perfect, Perfection"

perĀ·fecĀ·tion (pr-fkshn) n.

1. The quality or condition of being perfect.
2. The act or process of perfecting: Perfection of the invention took years.
3. A person or thing considered to be perfect.
4. An instance of excellence.


If I am not mistaken, "perfection" is an ego based "idea." Ego, in the classic sense of the word.

Is it possible to attain perfection through complying with someone elses idea of perfection?

I do not believe so in the very basic and simple fact that to attempt compliance with someone elses idea of said concept, is immediately abandoning your own... and in that, is immediately removing any and all possibility of said "perfection."

To adopt someone else's ego based idea as your own standard, is to immediately "taint," more so "stain" your own existence in that sense.

"Tainted" and "stained" is not considered within the idea of the concept of perfection, if I am not mistaken.

Then further is the problematic area of self adulation which occurs in several ways, one of which simply being the attempt itself to attain perfection. Unless of course the act of self worship... self adulation in any degree is within the idea of "perfection?" Knowing then that to be "perfect" is as described literally in the idea defined above.. which of course includes the perception of being without flaw. Self adulation, again unless I am mistaken, is a flaw.

Even further then is the act of judgment, which as has been established here is very much a part of even our human concept of "perfection," being that we must judge something to be or not to have been of said standard in order to discern the level of "perfection" it has attained.

I still contend and maintain that the only way, if it is to be possible, to attain "perfection" is in the direction... or more so non-direction of the lack in attempting such. Much less, actually considering yourself to already be of such stature... which as is obvious, immediately then removes any said possibility.

Then comes the subject of "truth" which itself is an ego based idea.

Is it possible to be entirely truthful?

I do not believe so. Anyone that claims otherwise, is obviously not being "truthful" in every sense of the word. It is only possible to be truthful to given degrees... which as you know, is not then of the potentials in attaining perfection.

In respect to what has been established concerning specific attempts... is it then that the effort to be entirely truthful is even a consideration within the idea of perfection?

In fact, it is as though one must be a liar, and honest about it to some degree, even to have the potentials of perfection.

I do not think it (truth) is as such in the more finer points of the idea and concept. I do not believe that truthfulness then is a pre-requisite. Neither does this mean that it can be attained through purposefull dishonesty. Both, in regard to the given subject matter, being of the same form in failure to such goals.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Anything I Want...Because I Can!"

As any may notice from my profile, I study. I enjoy my studies and I have been studying some incredible stuff... allot of stuff that seems like it has just been coloring areas only ever sketched before within myself.

That aside, I notice lately in what is the "free market economy" and the otherwise brilliant ideas associated with the overall design, utilizing the basis of "commerce and power" as opposed to the previous "birthright and power" structures, have become rather tainted.... as if something were over looked as per beyond even the use of various forms of corruption which maintain it - these being all sorts including art, innovation and yes of course, even the criminal types of corruption.

It has mutated in a manner that has become a sad emulation of the former structures utilizing birth right as power structure... even to the point where it is that "gutter born" pop stars now tend to think of themselves as some soveriegn element... simply because they have gained popularity and of course monetary wealth (which is usually only in their name as per their contractual interests, anyhow).

Perhaps that was a consideration within the initial designs to some degree, but never could anyone have forseen the advent of something as is modern communications.

Further, I find great humao in this desperate tendency much because I see that many of the reasons said shift in "power" coupling and focus as per structure was because of the previous versions having failed repeatedly. The "commerce/power" was put into motion in a deliberate effort from what I can tell... much to conteract the consistent demise and rot that most societies before it had met....

Unless of course you refer to the Roman empire, which adamantly refused to to commerce trade with any country they did not rule with a hierarchical structure of slavery.

Now then, to get back to the grand humor of this all.... we now have these pockets of people having come from less than reputable backgrounds, now insisting on being regarded in the same light and status as soveriegns.

This could not be a greater loss in potential of said brilliance... the opportunities lost in such topical and ego based crap are phenominal.

These people even extend this manufactured and mutated understanding of "liberation" to mean that they can now violate any other existence they choose as in their fantasy version of some former soveriegn element.

This, in my opinion, is a total waste of the potentials within existence that such brialliant ideas set forward. It likens to a mental illness through the seemingly forgotten direction in such ideas AWAY from soveriegn elements of the previous, and wanted recognition in form in our modern day.

This isn't to say that said ideas are meant to DESTROY such soveriegn blood lines... though it would appear that the mental mutation within the product of said ideas seems to think... especially within our modern communications technology, that the idea is to attempt some identity switch with any that may be of said blood lines.

This isn't even productive absurdity... but is as result of said attitudes pertaining to "what ever I want.. because I can" within of course, that mutated waste of perception as per said potentials and ideas set forward in the structure intended.

It is akin to having the posibility of experiencing the most incredible aspects of life... only to forsake said potentials in attempt to get some carnival like, trinket prize.

Why then is it that these mutated interpretations continue... more so even supported?

Why not simply remove those soveriegn blood lines from where it is that they originate?

It would be much easier to do something of that sort, than to be the embarrassment of trapsing around posturing as something that you obviously are not... further, it would be much more efficient and much less of a waste in the potentials set forward within said ideas.

Why opt to "play dress up" in someone.. some other likeness so to speak... when everything anyone of such a blood line would have at their disposal worth having, is available to experience for ones self?

It is very much opting for the trinket one perceives as being on the "top shelf" instead of actually experiencing that which is of existence.

Play dress up if you want... but why be so mentally desperate as to expect anyone or anything else on the planet to actually take it seriously?

Again, if such lofty perceived possitions are what you seek... start where it began and remove all other options in that regard... such would fit in well with the modern internet based business tactics of making ones own service appear as optimum through sabotaging any other that may pose a challenge.

This then leads to the aspect of extended familiar "rank" within the "commerce/power" structure.

If those involved in such are not willing to acknowledge those standing, actual affiliations with blood lines... as per the initial designs of the commerce/power structures... then how could any of them seriously insist on being recognized within such light of perception, themselves?

As part of my point in this brief exploration of amusing human folly, is perhaps the aspect having been over looked pertaining to the effect of those partaking of the "commerce/power" options... those not being of any given "blood line" so to speak making the mistake of then emulating the former soveriegn structures in attempting to establish some form of "blood line rule" while ignoring the actual progression there-in.

Why would it be so off base to ask that those within such "commerce/power" directions, be limited to either not having children being raised within such environments... then producing a level of ignorance through that "..because I can" thing.. being that most times it becomes the "trinkets" which are sought after instead of the actual potentials.... or not having the option of leaving large estates to their children?

The descendants would still have the advantage of notoriety in the name.. which would be of that former structure emulation of suggested hierarchical psition... but there would be no bottle neck... and then further the result of said mutations in attempts to gain some other perceived position.

All of the posibilities in experiencing life provided within the idea of wealth would still remain... and probably with little of the useless trinket hunting, topical crap that seems to occupy most of it in the modern day, as being of importance.
This all especially considering the ease of compromise in the ever growing dependence upon technological communications and data bases.

Monday, September 25, 2006

So More From The Internet Secret Agent Rejects.

Look morons, just transfer what ever may be in my name to what ever accounts you so choose.

There isn't anyone that could give a shit as most know besides yourselves obviously - that one group of jerkoff retards is no better than another.

You aren't the good guys.

There isn't anyone that thinks you are fighting the "good guy" battle.

You aren't "secret agents."

The actual secret agents couldn't give a shit either, but that is much because of the political interests telling them what to do.

You and your cartoon rodent corporate interests can, as stated simply make the transfers desired. As the actual rules and standards are obviously beyond your desperate comprehension and no where near as important as some celebrity coke whores want for money outside of their corporate affiliations to spend on that crap.

Stop kidding yourselves. You aren't in compliance with anything and beyond letting you think you are some righteous crap, there isn't anyone that actually believes you are.

Stop embarrassing yourselves and simply transfer the totals of that which you have put so much desperate effort into making seem is your due.

The fact that you do not realize no one actually cares is simply because of the power structure you have imprisoned yourselves within.... much out of your own desperate directions I would imagine.

I would venture that the people which have you on a leash don't even really care... it is just something for them to do to watch you squirm in desperation of feeling as though you must look however your mental illness wants you to look in the eyes of others.

As I stated, if it were me, I would simply alot every trust and estate being held as such, to be remitted immediately and equally within and to the population of the United States.

There isn't one of you scumbags that is more deserving than is another.

Stop kidding yourselves.

You aren't correct.. but again, that really doesn't matter to the entertainment value of your desperation to those that continue to support your ploys.

You will notice that you haven't received out and out support?

That isn't because you are all just incredibly efficient dumbass.... but of course that is just my opinion.

Your interests in the corporate farce of "touch my product" is just that.

I personally had used a given single product for near thirty years... which gained nothing but desperate attention from desperate junkie scumbags. I can assure you that your treasure hunt is a farce. There is obviously no prize as it would have been mine long years ago.

There is no such hierarchical, corporate consumer seniority structure. At least there isn't one which is adhered to as has been suggested...beyond the farce, that is.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Somewhat Un-Noticed?"

Just last evening I again experienced the remnants of what appears to be a rather substantial campaigns to defame my person. This transpired in the manner of a crack head in the area, finding some bug in his head about something, then deciding it was his lot to begin insisting I had slandered him in some racial slurr.

My suspicions are more along the lines of what ever welfare scam he is affiliated with began to find some trouble in some way, which in turn began to threaten his sense of safety.

More particularly, I believe it is along the same lines as was/is this development in my life;

Further then it is that I have found the efforts to defame my person connected to estates in my name which failed to be properly dispersed.. for what ever reason that I really don't care to know. I was supposedly not to have known about them.. particularly a rather large sum from my mothers death in 1974 which had accrued. Perhaps even from my grandmother's more recent death.
As well as the vermin that found this information and decided to lay claim to it... as well as utilize my distant connection with the "movie scene," my sibling - having already received their allotted payments at the time of my mothersdeath, suddenly decided they were due a share of mine... which was not remitted to my person because of an age issue. At the time I was a minor and no where near the age to receive the payment, being at or around five years old at the time.
It is truly pitiable for several reasons. Not the least amusing of which is the seemingly numerous "significant other's" I supposedly have gained upon word of this sum to be remitted...or more preferably as it seems, simply outright stolen for what ever gossip and slanderous reasons could be manufactured and presented as some form of justification. These "significant others" apparently being "legally" documented in some manner.
The fact of the matter, is regardless of what ever "reasons" have been cited as justification for the pitiable hack scam thievery... one thing has nothing to do with the other. But of course, you wouldn't be able to find any of those who may stand to be a party to portions of said remittance, that would be able to recognize that suddenly. Not to mention supposed "legal" types.
Truly sad.
If it were up to me, I would simply disburse any and all existing un-executed estates to the body of desperation that has put so much effort into their ploy. Across the board, as it seems that the actual contractual agreements don't matter... and it would save the production time and effort in the direction of justifying the thievery.
At one point I had actually hoped that so many dirt bags would get wind of it, that it would make it simply senseless to continue the ploy... being that it could only be "so" much, and too many dirt bags just brings the sum total to a laughable amount.
I guess that hope only served to spur some competition instead of bringing any light of sense to the matter... such as perhaps considering the facts around it for being what they were... and in that perhaps seeing better and more true potentials.
But again, in the modern atmosphere of our consumer society, such was not to be the case as I have mentioned in experiencing the affront last evening.
It is truly an amazing social occurrence though.
Somehow, in the mind of people such as the young crack head gentleman... they have some inherent claim to such funds, through of course, such manipulations which I have no want to be privy of. This "gentleman" as well, instructed me to no longer tread upon church grounds that he frequents and smokes crack at... which is fine... but the encounter did mean that somehow his false claim to something somewhere has been threatened... and somehow he associates with my person, which anyone would then discern to indicate that somehow he feels that I am connected with his sudden lack of access to something.
I don't have anything. I don't even know the "gentleman," but it does fall as consistent with the efforts to defame my person and insure that I in no way can threaten the fraudulent claims of others.
Here is a news flash;
As I said, I would disburse every estate being held RIGHT NOW, to any and all interested parties.
As I have made more than clear, I have no interest in the celebrity life style...Especially concerning the part where a person might be required toactually socialize with that "scene."
From what I can tell, there aren't that many of them that I would find any sort of quality time being around, anyhow. Sniveling for trinkets and blow money just isn't my idea of quality living.
There impostures, as has been presumed, are as safe as can be from being discovered within their own rank and file as frauds.
I have NO interest in that sort of life style.
If it is that my own sibling were dumb enough to be convinced that they deserved their part of the estate - which every one of them splurged - AND a part of mine which I don't expect to see myself, there again I see justification to simply disburse the entire sum equally amongst the interested parties if not the entire population of the United States - regardless of how small the amount would be.
I owe these people nothing what so ever. In fact, part of their fears is that they owe me in many respects. Which I really couldn't give a shit about as I have not lived my live to collect debts or keep score.
I personally think that aspect is of their own paranoia and predisposed tendencies - afraid that they will come back on them.
There is nothing to snivel for ladies and gentlemen. It is obvious that the "trained" legal parties are more than willing to have forgone their contracted duties in actual remittance... so where is the big hang up? Further, there are even aspects of the situation which are entirely fabricated (predictably through gossip) in regard especially to other sums due....
Many of the "interested parties" don't seem quick enough to realize that aspect of the ploy in a larger sense. It is bait to some degree and in many respects. But I won't even begin to speculate on what or who it is bait for. Only that it is obvious.
I should at least be extended the small respect of not having to listen to snivels and whines... and further be exposed to paranoid crack head diversion from what small pleasures I have brought into my own life.
To better explain my stance here; I have come to see estates as somewhat problematic to the idea and concept of our modern society... for more reasons than desperate individuals looking for free monies and associated recognition.
Larger estates seem to collect and manifest as something these days, as what is directly the contrary of the way I see the initial ideas of this turd pond country.
Namely, the unwillingness to comply with such remittance and the effort in production to manufacture justifications, being one of them. As such a sum, is seemingly seen as more belonging to the place where it was held in trust now, than to myself - the individual it was contracted in trust for.
I personally want nothing to do with the problematic elements of it... including and not limited to those droves of sniveling people, all more deserving than the next... then further, the "legal" people that accompany and promote their desperate ploys.
I can't miss what I have never had. In any sense or circumstance.
i in no way consider myself that important... and obviously niether do the legal parties or other interests.
I have always worked for my income.
I currently have no income.
I am not interested in some celebrities favoritism or why it is extended toward others not of said trust(s) and the paranoia that obviously accompanies it.
So someones coke head fuck buddy thinks they are more "deserving" than someone else... even someone having a rightful claim through legal contract to something?
I couldn't care less.
No one else does either.

Why the continued desperation and paranoia?
It might not be so funny... but it is amusing in a social observation sort of way.
Then further, as I have made known, I have no interest in being forced to "need" someone... especially someone with direct and purposeful interest and connection with any given corporate entity.
I couldn't afford such a relationship anyhow as a prenuptual would probably be deemed as forbidden... then further, I wouldn't be able to afford their "dirty little secret" which I imagine would accompany such a relationship.
Again, I personally would just transfer the funds to the interested parties.
It is obvious that there are ways of doing so which will appear legal. Legal enough, anyhow.
I've no interest in it... what so ever. Especially the part pertaining to some imposed "need" out of interest to what would be far too many parties... and further in the interest of given sums.
There are just way too many options in life in my own opinion. Too much to experience to waste time with such facades.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Need To Be Needed"

I've noticed a prominent attitude in society these days.

It very much is a common aspect that people expect you to "need" them. In fact, in many places and social circles it is seen as abnormal to actually be independent to just about any degree.

It seems to be a growing trend from several resulting aspects being political movement, social dynamics and within that, the more efficient means for which to create an illusion of efficiency.

The control issues are rather interesting as well. Many which play out in a real sense directly opposite their designed intentions and postured direction.

For someone to need you to need them in the degree and socially as is becoming more the normal part of society, is rather unhealthy.

It is somewhat a natural thing in many ways to become dependent on ones chosen mate.

For people to insist that everyone in society act as though they are in need of everyone else, isn't even productive absurdity. It is desperation.

It is a form of desperation which indicates a deeper sickness in society.

A sickness which I am starting to believe is the actual result of some otherwise brilliant designs.

Here we are in the very lap of modern progress. I have said it before but again, things have never been better for the human species.

Is it then something that the cumulative mental illness of the rot such progress has presented, has brought about?

To insist that I "need" someone else or be banished from society is a sad approach to the potentials of existence.

Why is humanity permitted to continue to exist?

If I had a successful portfolio at this point in my life, there would be some sorry bastard standing there insisting that I should share the result of my own good decisions and exceptional performance with someone that I am now supposedly mandated to "need."

That isn't even efficient thuggery.

Of course that is an extreme in example, but the consistency of the overlaying attitudes within society are similar.

I won't be commanded to "need" anyone. Especially when it seems to be in the interest of promoting someone else in a manner that disguises their failures.

I have always been a rather open person, but that doesn't mean that I am entirely stupid. I simply won't be forced into accepting some want to be needed in that respect, in my life. Especially when many of them are a physical detriment and danger to my personal health on top of it.

It ISN'T "their" decision as per who I should "need" in my existence. There isn't a sane person or social structure on the planet that would say otherwise which doesn't have an ulterior motive.

This isn't to say that I have shut people out of my life entirely.

I have, in regard to those of my choosing that I no longer want to be affiliated with.

That is a human right. Regardless of which interest they may represent.

Those sort of things should have been thought through BEFORE the decisions were made in directions otherwise.

Get you own portfolios.

Earn your own keep.

Get your own life.

Why is that complicated to some?

Independence is not meanness, or the attempt to make others look inferior for ones own gain.

Needing someone isn't either.

Personal efficiency isn't for those not personally efficient to take advantage of as per their own will.

There is no justification.

Someone personally efficient is just that and personal efficiency is no justification for jealousies.

Those with jealousies of personal efficiencies to the degree of insisting that said efficiency need them - especially in the "or else" category - is indicative of the illness our convenience and success as a society, has bred.

There is nothing to be jealous of pertaining to another's personal efficiencies... unless of course you view yourself as particularly inefficient... which is then your problem, and especially so in failing to pursue your own interests and particular talents.

I don't care "who" did "what" to you.

I wasn't born into this world owing "you" anything.

It is particularly interesting where and when people become so used to the ease of living and openness within society and pertaining to individuals they may have heard about being particularly kind, that they then expect and consider themselves owed something in that regard.

It certainly seems that such leanings are the current direction of American society.

Sad, but just as sadly - seemingly the largest result of otherwise incredibly laid ideas and plans.


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