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Amusing, Perhaps Even Funny, Anecdotes and Commentaries

Anecdotes, P.O.V.'s, Commentaries

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Monday, June 19, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Wasting Tax Payers Dollars"

Why is the F.D.A. still in existence?

It makes no sense that something as inefficient and further, almost entirely commanded from the influence of big money corporations would still be a "functioning" part of the United States Government. Especially given the consistency of the direction within the modern government itself.

It makes much more sense simply to get rid of the F.D.A. and spend that money on other, just as frivolous fronts and ploys within the action of the U.S. government. Even further there is much more money to be made from the resulting effect of the F.D.A.'s removal from government association.

Firstly, there would be an immediate drop in overhead costs within the companies which the F.D.A. supposedly effects, which would mean an immediate increase in profit.

This in turn, would result in the immediate increase in pharmaceutical sales to counter the ill effect on society from the immediate lowering of overhead costs in the food production inustries. This would then further feed the profitability, and thus beget a more healthy dynamic for the economies concerned.

As well, this would lead to the experimentation and development of entirely new lines of drugs to treat various illnesses.... and further in that dynamic would spur a campaign within the food production industry to bolster sales of "quality" products... which of course would be just as low in overhead costs as the immediately resulting lower "quality" products they would be developed to compete with.

If they played it smart within the food industry, they could double their sales, albeit through the sales of re-introduced products meant to counter the immediate results of poor quality, illness inducing foods. As well as through employing a slander campaign which would cripple any independent food suppliers and/or restaurants.

How could the smaller establishments be producing a better product than the larger? They in no way have the credibility that the larger producers have, nor do they possess the "high standards" as can be seen in the fact that they are not as popular as the larger companies.

Seems like there is loads of money to be made through abolishing the F.D.A.

Monday, June 12, 2006

It Has Been Said; "Somewhere There Is A Lost And Found That Is Unguarded- OBSERVATIONS OF "PUPPY CHOW" ISLAND!

I noticed today, as I have some times in the past, that there is a percentage of the United States population that are grossly unfamiliar with much of what it is to exist within the United States.

While this is really a dangerous thing in many respects, it also makes for incredibly funny situations, especially when it is that some of these people still unfamiliar with the social dynamic of existence within a democracy continue to address their daily lives as if they were still within the dynamic of/from where it is they have migrated from.

While it is that this is to be expected to some degree during the "naturalization" process and simply in the process of becoming acclimatized to the new surroundings... it should quite obviously NOT become a standard by any means.... but again makes for some rather entertaining situations which I am going to begin to document when the inspiration sets in, within this blog under various headings and of course with the label of "OBSERVATIONS OF PUPPY CHOW ISLAND."

I decided to title this "OBSERVATIONS OF PUPPY CHOW ISLAND" much because many of these people are so without a firm understanding of much, that it would be entirely possible to actually implement rather easily, many of the ideas put forward in things such as the artistic work of "Soilent Green." Further it would be incredibly easy with the use of the simple "look what I do for you" and then of course "that means you owe me" dynamic which is common within many third world governments (which of course is what many of them are accustomed to), coupled of course with their tendency to simply do what they are told because of fears of losing something or even being afraid of being wrong and thusly an ill mark on their status as "good citizens" here in their new place of residence. It would simply be easy to begin to make people into puppy chow if it were that these people had any sort of larger decision making powers.

When a person considers this dynamic within our society, a person must then realize that it poses more danger than simply immigrants unknowingly violating the most simple of set standards.. and doing so with no purpose other than wanting to do the correct thing without the proper insight. This other danger is in the temptation to capitalize on their pre conditioned dispositions and as well upon that tendency to simply do what they are told with no consideration on their own part as to whether or not it is actually correct beyond what someone told them.

It is hard to fault them directly in a "personal sense" given that most of them do simply want to be a contributing part of society.... it is just that they don't know where to put that effort it would seem.

I have seen several situations transpire which have brought some degree of entertaining interactions, but the one that brings this forward today... the one that just proved to be too much not to address, was this morning.

First I should say that this is no slant to the profession of private security companies, as I am sure that they all are not of such disabled perspectives, nor are all of the employees within them the same. In fact, I have met some pretty sharp individuals within the same ranks as I have seen the "inspirations." It must be just as difficult for them at times as well, I am sure.

This morning, one of these "Puppy Chow Island" types decided to assert his authority in defending the "public" arena when he quickly gave the "business" to a young lady who was handing out promotional items for a television show on the street corner. It happened to be the street corner which was part of the "public lot" used for the library.

Simply in looking at this, the individual should have just gone ahead and told the young lady that she could distribute the items no where within the city, on any public sidewalk or any other public forum. It would have been just as "believable" and further just as well within his scope of "authority" in regard to the decision to oust the young lady from the PUBLIC STREET CORNER."

The wonderfully amusing part of this, is that only a few moments before the "Puppy Chow Copper" did his bit to ensure the safety of the public in a very third world manner with no regard for actual standards or rule beyond what someone else had told him, the young lady had given a licensed and trained police officer of the city walking his beat, one of the promotional items.

He accepted it and chatted a bit before he continued on his way.

This obviously was not within the Puppy Chow Island standards and laws which govern public activity.

The things within this type of action and decision making are really kind of scarey if you think about it. How far up the decision making ladder, do things like this occur? How many crack head mayors will we have before someone realizes it isn't very efficient?

I suppose it is just something that society has to put up with as they "grow" so to speak and make realizations within their own lives... but how is it that such isn't addressed in some way which will give these people some sort of opportunity to adjust to their new surroundings?

I suppose there are only so many lost and founds to guard, but there have to be other options... especially when it is that programs developed and in use to promote opportunity, are then flooded with the excusable ignorance of Puppy Chow Island.

I suppose part of the problematic elements in this social dynamic, are of the sort where some people just want to feel like they are in charge of something... authoritative in some way regardless of how not in tune with their surroundings it is. Then creating other dangers for other people.

I doubt that any of these people even begin to understand the idea of civil disobedience, much less be able to recognize an actual threat if it were perpetrated with the skill of an actual violator. I even further doubt if they understand the importance of things such as civil disobedience at the larger level helping to preserve the prosperity of which they partake.

Something that is just as laughable is that the young lady quickly complied with the requests from the lost and found guy to vacate the premises. Kind of funny really, but maybe it just wasn't worth the static to deal with the guy.

A kid playing Hackey Sack is in no way a threat to security or safety... in fact it is in no way illegal to begin with as far as I know, on any public land. Even if it is a part of the Puppy Chow Island security force "turf."

Just how important is it to provide a sense of authority to others? Especially when it is a form of "authority" that has little to do with enforcing the standards that have been achieved and established? To actually allow some of these people to impose such vastly incorrect standards could become dangerous, couldn't it?

Does he just not like the television show that was being promoted with measuring cups and free candy? Should he have the right to discriminate in such a way even if it is simply because he is ignorant of the actual laws which govern the public body, and do so normally in a manner that is nowhere near the severity with which he approaches his lost and found post?

It is almost as if some of these people attempt to impose the "law" (especially their personal preference in versions) in a literal fashion, sans entirely the very important element of human interpretation... common sense and reason.

Much of their perspective in such enforcement would be akin to suddenly insisting that a batter could not run outside of the base line when rounding first or third base. Even more, it is akin to suddenly strictly enforcing the three feet rule in regard to such base running... then moving with the momentum of such enforcement to then insist that the runner could in no way leave the base line to any degree. As well I guess it is similar to then strictly enforcing the rule pertaining to the pitchers foot and the rubber on the mound.

Factually, from that perspective and reasoning just about every pitch could be ruled a BALK.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Why should everyone have to tolerate a third world mentality and dynamic in using the internet?

How is it in any way, any form of just behavior to allow certain people the right to violate even the most hard won of established human standards? Regardless of their skin color or nation of origin?

How can it be justified to subject everything and especially the potentials of this form of communication to simple minded, short sighted and obviously ego-maniacal individuals?

These people actually feel as though doing such makes them special in some way... other than in being especially pitiable with such displays of desperation for any sort of control. Why can't they see how they have been sold a "bill of goods" so to speak in promoting such?

Why isn't it more regarded as is air space pertaining to borders and nations?

When you think about it, there is this friction in the dynamic of the internet... but not for very long and never really too large. That friction seems to be caused from the very brief disagreements between people in regard to those third world tones that are overly present through out the internet.

It seems that with each arising issue, the false front is maintained in appearing to look as though the effort were being made NOT to actually choose to exist at the level of reasoning which a person finds in the zoo.... but then, reality and the need to be the first person to get to "all of the good stuff" which will be available through employing the third world mentalities, sets in and anything resembling human efficiency beyond the ability to gossip and pass information in manners for which to promote what ever scam is currently the "most profitable" quickly and again become the standard means of interaction and dynamic.

In essence this serves as example in proving that humans just aren't able to manage all that we have spewed into our reality, and in fact are getting even dumber the farther we progress. People are opting to subjugate and be subjugated simply because, I imagine, as creatures their desperate and empty lives feel the need to be "better" than someone else in some false macho way as to insinuate some false form of dominance.

The laugh about this is that it usually begins with being the sniveling bitches that most of these back bighting dweebs are... but the "sweet" part of the deal is that whomsoever is treating them like the whining bitch they are, then agrees not to in front of some particular other... and further then agrees to even help the sniveling bitch that the other sniveling bitch has just pimped, to actually find someone else to treat as a sniveling bitch.

This as well proves that humans are getting dumber in the fact that such is a consistency these days to the level of anyone NOT complying with automatically becoming a sniveling bitch, is then further targeted in several ways... and of course is yet another reason why the initial sniveling bitch's lives are the empty, pathetic reason for genocide that they are.

It is that pathetic. So much that being a sniveling back bighting bitch is the expected form of social interaction.

If you don't participate in useless drama and/or back bighting and bitch sessions... you then must be or have a problem with your emotions.

The laugh here is that the contradiction in that consistency, is very much consistent through out the internet itself.

Just a huge waste in so many ways. Nothing more than a video game really. A uselessly complicated, sadly inefficient passive aggressive formulaic video game.

Maybe that is the larger idea though... simply knowing the the human species isn't ready for the possibilities of the internet, and then further that there are still places that have no defense against it... being their own representation within the populous... so just maybe the moron dynamic is actually promoted in the effort to render the potentials of the internet (which are mind boggling), utterly useless to the degree and level of sniveling, tantrum throwing losers binding each other up.

I still have to wonder why it is that the U.S. government doesn't just step in and begin to mandate the use of it within the United States borders (as per user location).

At this point on the larger level, the internet is really nothing more than a gossip spreading nightmare, and a fraud machine in one form or another... each of the other trying desperately not lo look as though they are.... embarrassingly enough. It is now possible to slander someone worldwide in a matter of minutes.... and then simultaneously hack into their bank account and empty it behind the justification that they deserved it based on the slanderous crap that you, yourself had issued only moments ago with no substantial evidence or reason beyond the opportunity and perhaps self centered jealousy.

Just kind of sad.