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Amusing, Perhaps Even Funny, Anecdotes and Commentaries

Anecdotes, P.O.V.'s, Commentaries

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Location: Currently Boston, Planet Earth

I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

It Has Been Said; "I CALLED IT FIRST!"

In recent news it is again becoming a center point of focus to discuss the ever present "Global Warming." Many stories about it are accompanied with computer generated video simulations of such an occurrence. Some even in a time lapse form which show us what is supposed to happen as the ice caps melt.

In a few words, there's going to be allot of heavily populated areas under sea level, and just as many actually becoming flooded.

While watching one of these simulations I almost immediately realized that there will be a fortune to be made once this happens in several ways. One of which, and I called it first, will be "Underwater City Scuba Tours."

Of course this won't be able to be immediately implemented as the oceans will need a little time to dilute the grotesque amounts of sewage and other pollution which will flood them as they encroach upon the larger concentrations of cities.

It is speculated that many rather interesting places will actually become under sea structures and areas. Of course, it isn't as though anyone is "speculating" on these interesting spots particularly, but it doesn't take a genius to make the realization that if the area they are in is flooded, then they too will become under sea attractions so to speak. I personally have interest in procuring the existing aquariums which may become submerged for the purpose of the attraction aspect of it. Can't you just see it? Underwater, scuba (and maybe mini sub) tours of a functioning aquarium as well as the normal city scape? It would be like watching your fish bowl from inside of a larger fishbowl.

If (and they did), people bought the "Pet Rock," then the undersea scuba tours will be a smash hit. Especially in regard to "franchising potentials" around the globe.

I intend to capitalize on this future development, mostly because there is no way in hell that an individual such as myself will ever be able to actually do anything about the warming trend, and further the rising seas.... especially given that even many of those speaking out about it do so seemingly in some clandestine manner of praising their own "progress" and personal investment portfolios.

Let's face it, the ice caps are going to melt and many of our cities around the world are going to be flooded... at least partially, given the direction (moreso regression) of such extreme trends having developed without any consideration to the progress already made in addressing the problem of the warming trend.

They are going to melt because there is no money or other profitability in making the decisions which would keep them from melting. It just isn't REALLY in anyones immediate interest otherwise.

So in that, I am going to do the best that I can within my own existence which is unfortunately attached, through being contained within the same society, to the decisions of ever growing lunacy posing as leadership at nearly every turn which continues to advance headlong in the direction of "melt down."



Tuesday, April 18, 2006

It Has Been Said; What A Shit Hole!

I was born in Nevada.... Northern Nevada more precisely... and I have been considering the shit hole that is called Las Vegas a bit more lately. It really is a huge shit hole.... there is nothing there for locals... and nothing more than the same empty crap from one air conditioned hole to another.

Let's face it, as the saying goes "It was built on losers."

The more I think about it, the more I realize that it shouldn't even rank as a shit hole.... it's more like the whore of the planet... if that. Really, it is more like the diseased vaginal orifice of the planet (go to someplace like the Trop and tell me it doesn't remind you of a cyst or blister)... and in that it would be a toss up between from what I have heard of L.A. and Vegas for being the biggest, most diseased shit hole on the planet. Seriously, when I look at it, it reminds me of an inflamed, rotting ass hole that has been repeatedly violated with every kind of cock there is... including animals and a few foreign objects. Seriously, look at the Trop as well as the old Sahara.. even after the renovations.

Serious polups.

It should be quarantined as it's own state, entirely separate from the rest of Nevada.

Just to be fair, I will state that it has incredible potentials...but unfortunately it has attracted the biggest scumbags the planet has ever known, pretty much since it was conceived as what it is now.... being a big shit hole with loads of flashing lights.

Those potentials rest mainly in the fact that it is an "international" point of contact for the United States WITHOUT being a port city. It has representation from just about every major country doing business there daily.

This unfortunately is a huge burden as well... more that when morons get at the reigns of it, it becomes a detriment to those potentials in the fact that those morons seem to see it as a big whole on which to lay their lips for the purpose of feltching what ever they may be able to suck out of it.

That aspect is usually amplified when the morons figure out that most of the rest of the state is fueled with precious metal mining... they then tend to see it as if they were cum starved whores and it were a cum filled cock just waiting for their mouths to be filled. They start doing stupid shit like spending uselessly on various things... simply to suck that huge precious metals cock and get the payload all over their usually repulsive faces.

That is another reason that I would, if it were mine to decide, separate the shit hole of Las Vegas, Nevada and the rest of the state. Clark county could become the state of Clark or perhaps the state of Las Vegas. This would force the morons to be more dependent on those they should and are claiming to be catering to, which is the people interested in being entertained.

Yes, it is true that there is the Hoover Damn which is a factor... but Arizona and Nevada (mostly Vegas) have been fighting over control of it for decades. None of the rest of the state would have to worry about that, as the Federal Government could be utilized in regulating the sale of power from it to avoid that inadvertent and consistent sucking of the cock and feltching from going that route in the effort to drain the rest of the state.

Even further, just as a deeper deterrent to those types of scumbags which have turned the potentials of basically an "intergalactic" port, into a two bit whore house and cock sucking contest, I would do all that I could to either stop the precious metals mining in the rest of the state and/OR turn the control of it over entirely to some place such as South Africa and their operations... as at this time those operations are mostly Canada, some competition interest from Alaska and Australia if memory serves.... which, politically have turned themselves into just as big a whores as have the morons in the inflamed hole which has nothing to do with the rest of the state.

If it were that such production could be halted, those interests whoring themselves now would not again re-open those mines as they are already too tight wadded to actually "spend" anything to do so..... it would also give the oil market the opportunity to gain much more control over the value of even the dollar itself... with nothing more than the Alaskan mines, what little influence the Dakotas can muster and of course, the African interests... which would mean that at least the joker morons would be pushed out of such places of influence.

Sure.. some people might think it is pretty scary to have some place such as South Africa actually with so much influence... but when you look at it, at least it isn't the kind of danger that accompanies greedy little morons posturing as if they are running the planet, when really they are doing nothing more than feltching some old asshole somewhere for anything they can get. I personally would rather have the serious and very real bad asses in control, than I would the pathetic morons and their crack whores.

That might sound hard core, but consider it for a moment? It would actually be much more safe for existence. Allot less back stabbing and rolling on people for scraps and some ficticious place in a ficticious line for which to feltch some toy surprise from something you probably didn't have a right to fucking with to begin with. Not to mention far fewer completely inept morons with money... and/or their celebrity bitches and crack whores.

I can personally remember where the agriculture in the rest of state was a goodly portion of the commerce as well... such could even be boosted should it be found that Las Vegas would function much better in the current state of existence which it is, as its own state.

As I examine the topical aspects, it is easy to see where it must be in some sort of cycle given that many of the larger (international) interests are now headed with new (and in many cases) younger people. There was even a sort of backward motion not too long ago with the efforts politically (I imagine) of Wynn moving for political leverage.

It makes sense that he would orchestrate a "feeding frenzy" of sorts for those "older interests" in order to gain an upper hand on other competition in the area. When I think about it, that must be part of what has happened there politically... regardless of who actually orchestrated the backslide in political atmosphere... the return to "the old days" as it were. The effect of it seems to have worked and looking at the local power structure now (what can be seen of it) it really points to Wynn as having orchestrated the "goose chase" for the purpose of confusion as well as purposefull instability.

The laugh here, is that the morons that fell for it, still think they are calling the shots so to speak.... as if they actually retained anything in the destructive cycle and method in Wynn attaining the political upper hand as it were in the shit hole called Las Vegas. It truly is funny... and a sad joke on even many of the other "international" interests there (Mickey Mouse included).

It's tard boy heaven I hear... maybe, if it be could set up of its own... those tard boys would have to actually become involved in the decision making... beyond which color stucco to use on the next pollup they call a resort.

Friday, April 14, 2006


In the form that is most common in rarety..... being scarce in our modern age, I can easily see the why and what for of that which has captured our attention through the ages.

The fact that words seem hardly able to even begin to demonstrate that which it possesses... that which it uses in such unmatched, unbeknownst dexterity. That small glimpse at the all through the finite. The everything within the fleeting. Such is very much evidential of the magnitude there in. Indicative of just what it is we are still so ill equipped to deal with of our own and so pleased to observe and experience.

Those examples, so few and far between of the untainted versions.... the displays of wonderment within existence that draw us so.... seem ever surrounded with those examples of that which knowingly aspires to such station. The effort itself being a sort of indication of the lack and perhaps loss of such an attribute, progressively. Such a naturally occurring state never appreciated for what it is and it's potentials, until it's been marred, changed and then desperately imitated.

Such a potential for incredible extremes of existence. Euphoria, possibilities.... Ill fates and destruction. The latter usually through the imitation and feigned pose of it.

Those claiming bravery in the action of desecration, purposeful fulfillment of their short sighted angles..... can really be nothing more than insignificant points of hatred, regardless of the damage that may ensue. The hatred arising from the repeated failures they see of themselves, in such attempts.

To know of it's existence and purposefully seek to deface it... is really not even smart business.

To clip the growing blossom. To hack from the vine, the eternal cornucopia. To fail in tending to it, in it's true form. To make such decisions without even the foresight into the greater potentials, use and ones own needs. Such can in no way be deemed a superiority in any respect. A victory in no manner what so ever, save perhaps the distraction of ones own self, down a rabbit hole of sorts.

When she smiles, you know it is really a smile. It beams and glimpses that ever existing place and reason. That breath of life. That which has been sought after through the centuries. It is only through such portals that it can ever truly be experienced, where ever, how ever and which ever form it manifests itself to be.

Those that attempt to posture as such, foresake themselves immediately. There is no successful means with which to duplicate that which is. There is further, no reason beyond ideals ignorant of such a state, to attempt such. To counterfeit existence in such a manner. There is no fooling that place from where it comes and produces it in it's natural state. It can't be forced.

Those in despair at this, have probably attempted such posturing and obviously haven't the insight to realize that "it" exists in many levels of life. In a real sense pertaining to their own facade, their own efforts and production serve only to distract themselves from the actual elements of it within their own existence. However depleted and receding those elements may be.

Existence truly holds great mystery. Great and pleasing mystery and prizes.... but only truly through those portals.... those fleeting instances where in it cultivates and rings true. No matter what tactic is used to attempt it otherwise.

It's been labeled with many names through out the ages. Most language, I suspect was derived in attempts at capturing small examples of it..... meaning itself even, all told.

Breath, Happiness, Inspiration, Good, Bad, Beauty, Ugly, Love, She, Her, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter, Success, Failure, There, Nowhere, Here, Sad, Skilled, Talent, Truth, Life, Death, Absurdity.....

So many ways it continues to manifest.... so many ways it has been attempted to describe and depict.

Masterful works of art. Talentless scribbles in amusement.

This drivel you've just finished reading.

Copyright 2005
David A. Archer