It Has Been Said; Never had It So Good

I look around at modern society... I say modern in comparison to the atmosphere that I grew up in.... knowing that it is such a short period of time between here and there. Even in that it is easy to cite many "advances" that have forever changed (or definitely in the process of) some things.
For instance. When I was a child... a young toddler and even younger, there were very few of what many consider to be a normal part of childhood today... that being the stroller. These things today are scientifically designed vehicles in many ways... and in many ways more efficient and better in design than most space craft I would imagine.
In a short period of around thirty years, our society has gone from dragging our children around by what ever appendage or piece of clothing that could be grabbed... to literally chauffeuring our young from place to place. All that is lacking is trumpeted fanfare and continuous reams of red carpet. These kids are really living it up!
A person must at least be entertained to some degree with the "Rock Star" elements of it. Many of these children are even dressed for the part. Cool shades.. hep clothes..... a dynamite ride.... food and beverage at their finger tips... in allot of cases even what could be considered "onboard" entertainment right there on their "dash board," and most of the time a "hot babe" pushing them around. Sometimes several of them in a procession.... and did I mention (from my male perspective) that many of these young guys already have chicks with just as cool of a ride. Need I say... "Stylin'?"
I suspect it won't be long before these things are standard with power steering, full suspension and electronic entertainment systems.
When did my generation have it that good? Me thinks.... nnnnNever.
My mother and sibling dragged me around.... snatched me up like a sack of what ever was handy. I must have waddled more miles in my toddler years than most early teens right now have yet to walk.... all while being half dragged from some "sticky outie" part of my body. Incurring scabs and scrapes that have yet to be identified just from every day activity.
Then I think to myself, why is this all being wasted? Why are people getting so much dumber?
So much more opportunity for progress through alleviating strife... through achieving and providing a level of comfort as yet unmatched in any society from history. How can it possibly be happening? How is it that so many similar advances could be surfacing while the majority of the population continues to get... just plain dumber?
Is there some automatic machine somewhere that dictates precisely the needed changes to develop these modern contraptions and others which promote ease of living? Can't be, can it?
And another question... why does such magnificent "advance" seem to stop at a given "target market level?"
Incredible, perhaps even "space aged" strollers..... but I still have to get into a cab that has something sticky on the seat and probably burns oil in "quarts per hour."
How shocked are these kids going to be when they get to that age where the social advances have "run aground?" It might just be call for psychological therapy when it is that these kids have to experience their first ever cab ride... especially if it is by themselves.
How much harder is it going to be when they enter school? I can just see the culture shock in that alone; "Hey! Where the hell is my ride? What do you mean I have to walk? I just got that thing totally 'pimped out' and you're trying to tell me that I can't ride in it any more? Isn't that what the teacher is paid for... to push me around to my classes?"
Man... what a terrible to thing to have to experience. Can you imagine the heart break?
Especially on that very first day?
"My pants are wet... I can't find my shades...... some other kid pulled my hair... and my ride is no where to be found. Ain't life a bitch?"
It is definitely an interesting time to be alive.....
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