So maybe this isn't so funny per say....; "The Morning Cup"

I sit some mornings, very near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Most times just to watch as people go on their way as I wake up and think to begin my studies. The view is hardly boring given the great number of mercilessly attractive females of many walks, beginning their day. As well as a variety of other examples of humanity.
Some of them finishing their morning jog.... others hastening to meet their business day with Ipod and "morning cup" in hand. A person really can't fault them, can they? I don't think that many are actually trying to be so unforgivably, in such an inhumane fashion..... attractive, in as many ways as there are examples of them. Sometimes it seems to be the curves.... the movements..... other times it's obviously the poise.... then depending upon opportunity, it is very much the scent as well, no matter really which particular brand it may be a part of.... many times it is a combination including some element that remains illusive...undescribed as it always has been and as it will most likely remain, regardless of the perpetual attempt that seems to be our existence, to define it.... The Devil You Say!
There really should be some form of regulation from where I stand. So many heartlessly alluring human creatures. So many unknowing of their moments weight.
What a wonderful distraction.
A thing I have found most curious in a slightly humorous manner... that being incredibly peculiar... is the apparent problem a particular young lady seems to have with the painted finish line of the Boston Marathon.
Maybe it's the color scheme? Maybe it's a personal psychological "block" associated with the Marathon itself? Maybe it's just plain bad luck? maybe it is some other worldly influence I cannot as of yet grasp? Within any of these, there seems to be some combination, something that triggers some sort of involuntary and instant vertigo within her mind and existence.
Twice now, one of which was quite harrowing in it's nearness to a moving bus.... this young lady has very directly crashed her bicycle in the very same spot. Immediately... precisely on the front part of the painted finish line for the Marathon.
Luckily enough, neither time has she incurred any serious physical injury. Only obvious, though really minimal distress in the manner that most anyone would do following a "spill" of that sort. A bit of self chastising mixed with a fluctuating level of embarrassment between the confusion and urgency to get out of the street.
I must admit that at this point it is very cartoon like. I look up from the paper and my beverage... between drags off a morning smoke.... to find myself nearly encouraged with this uncanny repitition... not the "crash" or potential harm..... just the incredible battle she seems to be raging in with a painted line on the street.... into a bit of a giggle.
Perhaps there is a timing element with the entertainment and comedic value of what is called the news these days, which recently leaned me toward an off centered smile at this phenomenon. Mind you, it isn't her personal potential pain..... it isn't the risk of harm.... it's truly nothing of a malicious sort that I find funny about this repeated occurrence. It is just the slapstick and unbelievably curious and unique plight that she seems to have with a very specific area on the planet.
It's seems akin to waking up everyday and bumping ones head on the very same low shelf... perhaps stumping one's toe on the same corner of a table....but it isn't even that justifiable. It isn't even that physical. It is a painted line crossing the street. There is no blemish in the pavement. No rise in the perceived obstacle.
She obviously isn't a beginning cyclist.... as both times she was already in a sweat at this point of what seems to be some "inter-dimensional infraction," and both times she continued on her way as any normal cyclist would.
Both times she has dropped like a stone in the very same place. As if there were some invisible barrier meant just for her and her bicycle.
Then there is the aspect of the element of contradiction..... the break in the morning pace..... all moving along and flowing, ruthlessly displaying that indescribable magnificences most all of them possess in many of it's forms, quite normally really, mixed in with that which all else is...... as does she... until that precise and apparently daunting line across the road.... where it is that the immovable object seems to meet the irresistible force.... both times landing her firmly on her duff. No apparent reason. Perhaps she should walk her bike across the line for awhile. I probably would.
Gravity/Painted Line - 2, Young Lady on a Bicycle - 0.
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