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I study independently. I have just completed my first philosophical composition. Satire is a magnificent form of communication. I am an ordained minister. As a brief over view of my current frame of mind. I am Un-Available, ladies - I have no interest in relationships at this point, and such is a decision made out of caring. Did someone mention a "plan?" Other Degrees and Certifications; "DOCTORATE" - "B.A." - "MASTERS" The counter doesn't function properly... so there!

Friday, October 14, 2005

It Has Been Said; Public Restrooms

I have heard it said that a person can tell the health of a given society by looking at it's public restrooms.

I am surprised at this statement in so far as when it was issued... or when I perceive it to have been issued. As far as I can remember... and in looking at things now... this statement was issued in a time that is very much on the back part of the parabolic curve that is societal advance. It was issued in a time that such an observation wouldn't really amount to anything of the sort.

I can see truth to this statement if it were employed as a tool in the proper time frame within the cycle of society... but as I stated... the timing where-in it was issued doesn't quite fit. Reasons being are various and easy to understand when you apply the idea of gauging society in such measures against the cycle itself.

Here we are in an area of society in which such a gauge would not be of much use, as we have past a certain "progress" point within our current parabolic curve. We are very much at a point that has past the area where such an observation would yield truthful information. Pertinent, that is in regard to the health of the society itself.

This is for many reasons, one of which being the level of comfort that we have achieved. In that it is quite common to find public restrooms regularly disheveled... sometimes purposefully so as to provide reason enough to justify attention to them. We have surpassed the area in which all in society show proper "performance respect" in such facilities. We are now in an age where it has been realized that consistent and constant "performance" in that regard, yields a lack of need for attention to the facilities themselves and there in becoming a detriment to the appearance and condition of them through that "proper performance."

This has been exemplified in other areas of society and social workings as well.

When it is that such a peak is reached, so much so to actually become a detriment to itself in that manner... something then must be done to garner the need for even the most basic of attention to simply maintain the facility. If something isn't done to justify and maintain that need, then it is that the facility itself becomes useless in disrepair and 'damaged' from neglect in maintenance, and all through the efficient "proper usage performance."

So with that guys... if you like your public crapper to stay neat and tidy.... usable at least... then don't feel bad anymore when you forget to raise the seat and dribble all over it.... In fact I would encourage it for the sake of society itself.

Be a super hero fella's and piss on the seat! Maybe even blow your nose and throw the paper on the floor. Why not go ahead and put your wife's work number on the wall now and then? Do your part will you? Because it is obvious that the "utopian Society" isn't entirely of the consensus.

And what we have achieved of the "utopian Society" obviously doesn't operate on automatic.

So save our society from eminent demise and maybe even forget to flush now and then.

You could even go a step further and practice these techniques at home... that is if you don't have a wife without the more subtle insights as to what exactly promotes and maintains a safe, happy and healthy society.

Go ahead, boys. Leave the seat down at will.

But only if you think society is worth it.


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